Friday, October 17, 2008

Write in Candidate

The campaign ads are getting more intense. I'm glad I don't live in one of the battle states. Of course, thus far I have not encounter campaign ads while watching Turner Classic Movie Channel, Animal Planet and the History Channel, so if I avoid the networks I may be safe.

I know my daughter saw the title of this edition and is wondering "What is the old man up to now?" I do not have a history of voting for major party candidates. I did vote for Jimmy Carter for his first term and submitted a write in vote for Miss Piggy when it was Carter against Reagan. I voted for Ross Perot (I apologise, I'm not sure how to spell his last name) and Ralph Nader.

Major party candidates just do not appeal to me, maybe because I know they are going to fall into their party line, regardless of what promises they make.

So what I want to do this evening is ask you to share your thoughts on the best write in candidate for President of the United States. I'm not talking about someone off the wall, or someone with no chance. I am talking about some one you feel is at least as qualified as Obama and McCain and maybe more so.

If you could add a name to the presidential ballot, who would it be? I am really curious to know who people respect and feel is capable to lead this country.

I'll start off and say that my number one choice is Colin Powell. Now we all know his wife told him no, but I believe that Powell is the type of leader who could really lead this nation in a positive direction. I know he was part of Bush's cabinet and bought into the WMDs in Iraq, but when he realized he had been played he did the honorable thing and got the hell out of Dodge.

Okay, now its up to the rest of you to nominate your choices. Who knows, we maybe able to run a quickie write in campaign in the final weeks and screw up the election for the big boys.

Share your thoughts. Dialogue can lead to great things.

Its Common Sense.

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