Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bank Interest Rates

Last night on the news I listened to a story about how the banks - the ones we bailed out - are raising their interest rates on credit cards, because they need to generate quicker income.
They do have a lot of nerve.

It ticked me off so i sent the following epistle off to our friends in D.C. (The President & my representatives.)

Please feel free to use any or all and write to the President and your representatives as well.

Dear Senator
Help me understand why the banks who took my tax money to bail them out of financial ruin are now being allowed to raise the interest rates on credit cards?

Worse, we are not talking about fixed rates, but variable rates which they control.
I have a card with Citi Bank and the interest rate is now 17+%. (I talked to them and got it down to 14+ whoop de do!)

From what I have seen, many of the banks are moving to the plus column. Why are they being allowed to take advantage of the consumer/taxpayer?

On last night's news I learned that the bill you passed to control credit card debt and interest rates does not go into effect until February 2010. By that time the banks will have fixed interest rates at 25+% and they will be able to remain.

To say the least, I am disappointed.

You borrow money from China to bail out the banks, which went into collapse due to greed and mismanagement, and now the taxpayer/consumer is suppose to pick up the pieces, bear the cost and accept all additional burdens.

Once again, middle class American workers have received a royal screwing.
When will the President and Congress consider us? We are not a fatted cow that continually gives. One day we will have nothing left.

The next time you decide to bail out the "big" boys, remember us in the trenches who have to pay for your decisions.

Michael Wolfe

Monday, July 20, 2009

More on Health Care Reform

As I look more into the health care overhaul, which I agree needs to be done, and no, I'm not sure how, the more troubling things come to light.

Already I am concerned about how its going to be paid for. I read that Pelosi is proposing that all individuals making over $500,000.00 a year will take on an additional tax, as will couples making more than $1,000,000.00. How many doctors fit into that category?

Okay, so the cost is an issue.

Then I just learned that insurance for the current uninsured will not be available until 2013, and that the actual overhaul will be completed "maybe" by 2018. We could have a new President in 2013 and only God knows what the make up of the House and Senate will be by then. Which means that all the talk and money could end up going for nothing.

In the mean time, what are the uninsured to do? I guess continue what their doing and leave it up to the middle class to pay the bills in one form or another.

President Obama is suppose to have a television conference on Wednesday. We all need to watch and listen. And then we all need to let him know what we think.

One good thing about the Obama White House is the accessibility to their email sight. Now, I have to admit that I have not received any responses to my questions and observations, but being an optimist, I hope that is a sign that millions of citizens are letting the President know their views and it is too much for his staff to handle. (The other option is that I'm being ignored, which I realize is the more likely reality.)

In any case remember to watch on Wednesday, then let your voices be heard.

Its Common sense!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Obama Health Plan Saga

President Obama spoke out forcefully yesterday stating that his health plan will be passed this year. This was after not only Republican critics, but now some Democratic critics have come forward to state that the plan will not save money, but will actually create a larger debt.

Here is the President's plan.

Now here is the bill Congress just passed.

Now I know there is a lot to read and that the majority of you are going to give up before getting to the end. I know I did. Which is the important thing. There is too much to digest. Just from the little I read I am confused.

If you take the government program, does that mean as a senior you are no longer entitled to Medicare?

Are all states going to be forced to accept the directives of the bill, (if it passes the Senate & receives the President's signature) or are their options available?

Will private insurers, such as Care First, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Aetna etc, be limited on how they can raise their premiums, or will they be able to force some of their clients into the government program and only keep their high paying clients?

Most importantly, who is going to pay for this health care act? Will the cost be equally distributed, or will the burden once again fall on the middle class tax payer?

As I look at this bill and the rush to pass it, I feel we are charging into a nightmare that will be mismanaged, and spiral into an out of control money pit.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just a pessimist who has no faith in government run programs being cost efficient and help full.

Send your opinions. Show me the silver lining around the cloud.

If you also don't see one, then write your representatives and let your voices be heard. We cannot allow our taxes and debt to continue to rise to support useless programs.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, July 17, 2009

National Health Care Reform

Yesterday I spoke on my fears about committing billions of dollars to a national health care program. After thinking about it, I realized that venting on the blog was not enough, so I sent a letter to the President, my senators and my Congressman. The letter follows.
Feel free to use all or part in writing to your own representatives. We need to let Washington know that we will not stand for them to continue spending money we do not have for programs they cannot control.
Enough is enough. We have to let Washington know what we think and take control.

Its Common Sense!!

Dear (Varied depending on Recipient)

National Health Care is the big issue, especially since it appears that Judge Sotomayor will be confirmed to the US Supreme Court with no problem.

I agree that health care needs to be available and affordable for all of us here in the United States. However, I believe that before the Federal Government undertakes the task of establishing an equitable health care system, where the patient will have true options for health coverage and premium payments that the government first needs to take control of the two health programs it already runs.

I am speaking of Medicare and Medicaid. Currently both programs are mismanaged, have no accountability and are costing taxpayers millions of dollars every year due to fraud, the inability to negotiate provider services, and because many doctors do not want to participate due to antiquated payment and accounting procedures.

Before Congress commits billions to yet another new program that we the taxpayers cannot afford, why not show us how a well run health program should work?
I think your first objective should be to revamp Medicare and Medicaid, get rid of the waste, permit negotiation for provider services, prosecute those defrauding the system and do away with the overspending, so that seniors on Medicare do not need to have their Part B premiums raised every year, and that the percentage of the cost of services paid by Medicare does not keep decreasing.

As for Medicaid, the system needs an entire overhaul, in every state, and citizens should no longer feel they have a right to free health care just because of their financial situation. Medicaid is a health care assistance program, not a do all program.
Within their means, everyone needs to assist in the payment of health care. Those working and already paying health care premiums and deductibles should not have to take on the additional burden and tax of paying for those not working or having coverage.
This country needs to get away from the welfare state mentality, where some pay for all, and enforce a mentality of individual responsibility. If we accept our own responsibilities, then we can create a collective responsibility.

Please, no new national health care programs until the current two are actually running smoothly and debt free. We the people cannot assume any more debt or deficit. It is time for all of us to live within our means, and that includes all government spending.
Thank you.

Michael Wolfe

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama's Health Care Reform

We have all been hearing that President Obama wants to have a health care reform bill passed before the end of August. Sounds good. However, what are the specifics?

I do not understand how giving everyone health care will bring down the cost? I definitely do not understand how having another Federal Government Health Care Provider will do anything but add to the national debt.

Currently the Federal Government is responsible for the Medicare Health Care Program, and oversees the states Medicaid Health Care Programs. No big surprise to find that they are mismanaged, victims of all kind of fraud and over billing schemes, and that there does not appear to be a plan in place to bring order to the system.

If the government cannot manage the health care programs for the elderly and the poor, is there any way they can provide an agency that can realistically compete with health care insurers already in place?

Why aren't the President and Congress first fixing Medicare & Medicaid? Take control of the wasted millions in those programs, put together an efficient organization that actually brings down costs, bargains with providers and allows patients premiums to remain the same or even decrease, and then consider a National Health Insurance program.

With the current lose of jobs, the deficit and debt, we can not afford to have more wasteful out of control spending. The President and Congress need to prove that they can put what they actually have to good use, then come to the people with a realistic plan.

I know there are many with out health care. I also know that the majority still get treated in emergency rooms and clinics across the country and that my tax dollars and my increasing health care premiums go to pay the difference, because my costs at the doctors and hospital keep increasing to offset what is lost from those who do not pay.

I do not expect that to change in the near future.

What I do hope changes is the government's attitude. Let's fix things using what we have. If Medicare & Medicaid are managed competently, responsibly, with accountability, millions of dollars will become available for a national program.

Let's fix the current problem, rather than leave it broken and start another agency that will only add chaos to the situation, rather than order.

Its Common Sense!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


While some senators questioned Sotomayor on her views regarding the right to bear arms, Senator Mikulski finally responded to my concerns regarding armed citizens roaming our national parks.

The letter follows. As usual, I found it a bit disappointing.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for writing to me about guns and our national parks. It's good to hear from you.

Like you, oppose allowing visitors to carry loaded firearms in our national parks. Unfortunately, the CARD Act (Public Law 111-24) included an amendment that allows visitors to possess accessible and loaded weapons in these areas. I think this was a bad amendment and I am sorry it was included in the legislation.

The CARD Act implements reforms to protect consumers from abusive, confusing and deceptive practices used by credit card companies. I supported this legislation but am very disappointed that it was used to allow guns in national parks. Our parks should be places where all Americans can enjoy the beauty and peace of our natural environment.

Thanks once again for writing.
Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.
Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sotmayor Hearing - Why bother?

Sonia Sotomayor faces the US Senate Judicial Committee for a second day of hearings.

Why are we taxpayers paying for this farce? We are paying the salaries of the senators and their aides who scurrying all over the place. No doubt we are paying for extra security at the Capital, as well as who knows what else.

I thought Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina summed it up yesterday when he said words to the effect - if you don't have a major melt down you will be confirmed.

Sotomayor is not going to have a major melt down. She is a so/so judge with a decent history who will do fine on the Supreme Court. She will probably prove to be another average judge, which the majority of the supreme court justices have been.

(Can any of you name the first three Chief Justices of the Supreme Court? - without looking them up?)

My point is, let's get her confirmed and seated so she is up to speed when the Court goes into session in October.

Senators, concentrate on getting people jobs, doing away with the debt, and making Americans feel like they really are Number One.

We are all tired of partisan bickering & whining. The time has come for Congress to get off their whinny, pass the buck asses and get out there and be leaders making a difference.

Good luck to you Sonia Sotomajor, but the American people have some real crisis that need to be solved, and your seat on the Supreme Court is not one of them.

Serve well, serve honestly and most importantly, always serve the good of the American people.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

CIA torture investigation?

Recently Leon Panetta, current director the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), reported that he had been informed that after 9/11 then Vice-President Dick Cheney had instructed CIA personnel not to inform Congress of any activities they were undertaking, especially in the areas of torture and eavesdropping.

Amazingly, Mister Cheney, who has been so visible & talkative lately, is not available for comment.

Following that theme, of possible wrong doing by the CIA while receiving orders from the Bush Administration (Dick Cheney), Attorney General Eric Holder is considering naming a special prosecutor to see look into the allegations and take necessary actions, if it is proven the CIA overstepped their bounds.

Interestingly enough, the Obama Administration would prefer that Holder let sleeping dogs lie, which raises some interesting questions. Such as, was Congress as ignorant about CIA actions as they have pretended? Did then Senator Obama, along with the majority of his colleagues give silent approval, but following that old tradition of asking no questions and hearing no lies?

I think if an investigation is allowed, we will find there is a lot more lies and dirt than anyone suspected. All parties are going to be found complicit in what occurred, either actively or silently. However, guilty is guilty and many heads could role.

It will be interesting to see if Holder proceeds or backs down.

Will the truth win out, or will it be business as usual?

Keep watch.

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Michael Jackson Show

Today Michael Jackson will get some kind of send off at the Staple Center in LA. The masses are gathering and the celebrities will be well represented. I am sure it will be quite a show. But for what purpose?

Some folks will be making a lot of money off the troubled musician's death, which makes them what? His family, those who supposedly cared for him, are already working out deals. Joe Jackson, who I have no respect for, is still trying to cash in on the cash cow he created forty years ago.

I give credit to Liz Taylor who stated she would be remembering & saying goodbye to Michael in private. That's what the world should do. Let his family & kids have the private time they deserve to say farewell. If you are a fan, play some of his CD'S, have a couple of drinks and get on with your life.

The truth is none of us knew or will ever know the real Michael Jackson. He will always be a man of mystery. Great for speculation & TV pundits, but a man who deserves, like all of us, the chance to rest in peace.

Enjoy his videos, enjoy his music and let him go.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, July 6, 2009

World Wide Unrest - Is There A Conspiracy?

It appears that unrest is spread across the globe. The Uighurs, an ethnic minority in the Xingjiang Province of western China and the majority Han Chinese are clashing over jobs and land in this mineral rich area. Chinese troops have been sent in to put down what appears to be a rebellion, which the Chinese government states was incited by a Uighur woman living in the United States using the Internet to spread rebellion.

As they have been doing in Tibet, the Chinese government is responding with a heavy hand. No doubt human rights violations are ocurring, but is the government of the USA protesting? Where is Hillary Clinton to make a statement?

In Iran it now appears that there is dissension in the ruling clerical body, with some of the imams coming forward and disagreeing with the Supreme Leader's decision on the recent election. Could these clerics be planning to join with the dissidents? Is civil war in Iran's near future?

Honduras also looks like it could be heading for a civil war. After the ousted president was unable to land his plane yesterday, rioters took to the streets. It is evident that the working class of this Central American country is not happy with the military take over and that they could get support from other Latin American countries, most notably Venezuela, to stage a revolt of their own.

And finally, there is North Korea shooting off missiles. Are they really crazy? What is their goal?

I know I left out other hot spots, the Balkans, the Sudan, Somalia, Thailand, etc, unrest appears to be everywhere, and one needs to ask, what is going on?

Is this just normal life, or are there forces behind the scenes manipulating things for their own profit and power? Is there a conspiracy out there somewhere? A multi-national conglomerate out for world power?

I know, you're thinking I've read too many Robert Ludlum books and seen too many shows like "Prison Break". Maybe you're right.

On the other hand, maybe I'm right. More than twenty years ago I read a book by Taylor Caldwell entitled "Captains & Kings", about international financiers manipulating world occurrences for their own benefit. Maybe the same is happening now.

Just because someone is paranoid, doesn't mean there aren't conspiracies.
Who really has the power?

Its something to consider carefully.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Obama & Russia

President Obama states he supports Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's efforts to reform and improve the Russian judicial system. After all, it sounds noble. However, I have a lot of doubts.

If one studies Russian/Soviet Union/Russian history, there is little regard for a true equal legal system during centuries of various rulers. Russian law was always controlled by the parties in power, the people had very little say in the matter.

Although President Medvedev says he wants reform, I do not see him as the true ruling force in Russia. Putin still holds the reins of power, at least in my mind, and I cannot imagine him releasing any power to anyone.

I believe Putin will continue to control the courts, just as he will justify clear human rights violations as being necessary actions to protect Russia.

Hopefully President Obama will have his eyes open when he meets with the Russians. It is true that working out a good trade agreement will be beneficial to our country during these hard financial times. But, that being said, Obama needs to protect the integrity of the USA at the same time.

Thus far I have been disappointed in the Obama Administration's track record in dealing with nations such as China, who clearly violate human rights, yet because of the debt the USA owes them, Obama's people are remaining silent. I fear the same silence will come out of the talks with the Russians, especially if there is a financial benefit to the USA that will make Obama look good, at least for the short term.

The financial crisis is causing the leadership of our nation to form strange alliances, with nations/people we need to keep at arm's length. I fear that when all is said done, our country will be weaker, not stronger because of the unsavory compromises the government has made.

Time will tell.

In the mean time, keep track of how the stimulus dollars are being spent, who is actually being helped, and how big the debt is that our grandchildren will inherit.

Bother your representatives and frequently remind them that you are keeping tabs on their performance and that come election day, you will be voting to put someone you trust in Washington. Actions speak louder than words. Let your reps know you are watching those actions.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Independence Day July 4, 1776

Today we celebrate an event that happened 273 years ago in the city of Philadelphia in the then English colony of Pennsylvania. A group of men, representing voting men from their colonies, met and threw down a challenge to the British Empire. Meet our demands or we will fight for our independence.

History records many such revolutions, some successful, some failures. Today, as we celebrate the action that set the American colonies on a course of action that would lead to the creation of what would become a world leader nation, I think we need to reflect on what those men hoped to achieve, and see if our country has maintained those goals.

We all know that our country still needs to improve in areas of equal rights, for a variety of minority groups - ethnic, race, gender, & sexual persuasion.

We still struggle with trying to interpret just what is meant by the Constitution. I believe that our fore fathers intended the Constitution to be a guide only, after all they saw the world changing in their time, and the majority were intelligent enough to know that change would continue.

So, as we toast those brave men, and the women who stood behind and supported them, let us reflect on how we as individuals try and live according to the goals laid out in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and what we can do to improve those goals and help bring about true democracy, equality and freedom in this land we love.

Its Common sense!

Iran _ Crack down continues

Iran's leadership continues to take a hard line. According to reports the Iranian government arrested nine Iranians working for the British embassy and are going to take them to trial as being part of a conspiracy to to bring down the current government by supporting the dissidents. In addition, it appears the message they want to get out is that both Britain and the USA played major roles in trying to to disrupt the "unity" of their Islamic Republic.

One of the more interesting quotes to come out of this is the following. Ayatollah Jannati, one of the Supreme Leader's top advisers remind Iranians that Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, stated "anyone disrupts unity has not only committed a sin but also has committed treason against the Islamic Republic and the system."

Isn't that a fascinating statement? Who defines "unity"? Evidently the party in power. If disrupting "unity" is a sin & treason, then all good citizens would have to act as sheep do whatever their leaders, "elected" or not, tell them to do.

How is that democracy? Where is freedom of speech? How arrogant are these clerics that they think they know what is best in every area?

Centuries ago, the leaders of England thought they knew what was best for their colonies world wide, and thirteen of those colonies joined together, composed, signed and sent the document who's signing we celebrate in the United States tomorrow.

In a democracy, freedom of speech is paramount. You follow the law, but you have the right to try and change any laws you feel are unjust through protest.

The leaders of Iran need to take in a world vision of history and not just their little place. Too many people now can access to the world view, for the majority the "dark ages" are over.

Maybe if the Iranian leadership opens up an honest dialogue with the dissidents, they will find areas of compromise, satisfactory to all, and the chance for Iran to emerge as a true leader of Islamic Reform, rather than Islamic Isolationism.

Its Common Sense!