Thursday, October 16, 2008

Post debate

The debates are over, at least the the ones where the candidates will be together.
I thought McCain had the best line of the evening when he told Obama, paraphrased - if you wanted to run against George Bush you should have run four years ago.

I thought it was McCain's best debate. He attacked, he got passionate and he only rambled a little bit. I found it interesting that Obama never responded to McCain regarding why he never talked out using public funding as opposed to private funding. McCain was correct (and maybe jealous) that Obama has the funds available to run a massive television campaign. I would have liked to have heard Obama's justification for lying.

Once again, for the most part, Obama keep his cool, although he came back at a couple of things McCain said wanting to present the real facts about his record.

It amazes me that neither one of them seems to believe that there is not going to be money to run their programs. Obama talked of long term savings, but didn't explain where the start up money is coming from, and how much more debt he is willing to impose on the American people.

McCain scared me when he said he will balance the budget during his first term. How the hell is he going to do that?

My feeling, after last night's presentation, is that Obama is going to win. Not by a lot and there is good possibility that some states will have to do recounts. I still believe the polls are giving a false story.

Just who are the people that are polled? I have never been polled. Have any of you been part of a poll? If you have, share your experience. I'd love to know what questions are asked and if there is any slant to them.

Time is ticking down and soon we will vote and see what the future holds.

Once again I want to stress, as I will continue to do up until election day, that now is the time to get rid of all of the incumbents. We can't trust any of them. They are a bunch of selfish, egoists who have their own interests ahead of those of the people. (Yes, Nancy Pelosi I am talking about you.)

Once again let's make this country the land of the free and home of the brave.

Its Common sense.

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