Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last night on the news I saw that several of the financial institutions we are bailing out with our tax dollars are still planning to give their employees bonus, averaging out to $110,000.00 per employee.

What's wrong with this picture?
I thought you rewarded people for doing a good job, not for bringing a country to financial ruin. The financial institutions already had the bonus money set aside. Seems to me that these financial institutions can use the bonus money to bail themselves out and leave my money alone.

Needless to say I will be writing to my representatives later today or tomorrow to have them explain to me why they are allowing our tax dollars to be used as rewards for mismanagement.
The Bankers and Wall Street boys/girls need to get their act together and stop considering themselves better than anyone else. No one deserves a bonus for going into debt or worse, into bankruptcy.

Congress needs to get control of this situation in a hurry, or we are going to find that our money is not being used to open up lending, rather to buy a Mercedes for some Wall Street fat cat.
Enough is enough. Write your representative, demand action and the protection of OUR money.

Its Common Sense!!

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