Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Afghanistan Policy

Yesterday the Obama Administration stated its new policy regarding the "war" in Afghanistan. No longer is there talk of the creation of a democracy, fighting the Taliban or bringing any kind of peace among the warring factions in the country.

Rather, or at least my interpretation of what President Obama stated, is that the US objective now is solely to eradicate Al-Qaeda where ever they are. The war is focused solely on this terrorist organization and perhaps - although I do not want to make assumptions - any groups who support Al-Qaeda.

I thought this was the original plan back when Bush asked the Taliban leadership in Afghanistan to turn over bin Laden and they did not cooperate. I always thought that the war against terrorism should be focused on the terrorist, not the countries where the terrorist dwell.

We all know the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism. That was Bush getting even with Saddam Hussein for putting out a hit order on his father. (And of course oil control).

Afghanistan was always different. Unfortunately the US policy operated under the misconceived notion that if the government was controlled everything else would fall into place.

As many experts have pointed out multi-tribal societies such as Afghanistan function totally different than the USA. Different history, different traditions, different mentalities. Unfortunately the USA leadership usually fails to study the enemy, rather putting them in the same bucket as the USA, which generally leads to tragedy. (Viet Nam, Bosnia, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan just to name a few.)

If the Obama Administration is serious on focusing solely on taking out bin Laden and Al-Qaeda I wish them good hunting. I think they need to make the necessary diplomatic actions with Afghanistan and Pakistan to receive permission for their hunt, but at the same time stating the USA will stay out of the internal workings of these countries.

I know the reality is that US & NATO forces operating in any country are seen as invaders. However, hopefully if they show their sole objective is the eradication of Al-Qaeda, the Afghans and Pakistanis will allow them to operate and even assist, so they can get the foreigners out of their countries and things can go back to how it was before the USA showed up.

There is no ideal solution. At the same time, I believe that the USA and other nations should provide funds to Afghanistan to rebuild and educate the country so that future decisions in development will be made on learning rather than who has the better armament.

Maybe with cooperation among all parties working to eliminate terror and bringing peace and prosperity to the people things will take a positive turn.

I know its Common Sense, but will anyone actually see it that way?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Czar Geithner

It appears that Secretary Geithner is of the opinion that he is more qualified than anyone to control the country's recovery during the current financial crisis. He feels the Treasury Department should have unlimited power in "guiding" non-bank financial institutions, such as AIG and Morgan-Stanley. He seems to be of the opinion that if Treasury had that power last September, none of the current miss would have occur, at least not to the current degree.

Rather bold statement. Even though I am not thrilled with the practices of AIG, Morgan-Stanley and the rest, and I most certainly believe there need to be stronger rules and regulation in place, the idea of allowing the Treasury Secretary all of the power Geithner wants is a little frightening. After all, this is a guy who couldn't remember to pay his taxes.

Do we really want to give him the potential power to go take over companies and destroy lives, if he thinks there is a threat? What controls will be place over the Treasury Department to keep them from becoming the Gestapo?

Perhaps we will learn more tonight when President Obama addresses the nation.

Limited control and responsibility is good, absolute control leads to too much power in too few hands.

We will have to keep a careful eye on the Administration.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Toxic Loans?

Okay, I admit that I am having trouble understanding the Treasury's plan to buy the Toxic Debt from the banks. If these are bad debts to begin with, how is purchasing them with my tax dollars going to work into a plus for me?

Isn't it the Toxic Debt that started the financial crisis?

Next question - are the banks going to sell these debts at bargain basement prices or are they planning to rip us off for as much as they can?

Finally, if the banks sell the Toxic Loans to us, do they guarantee that in the future they will stick to the rules and only make loans that are reasonable and fair? Or are we just opening them up to repeat what they have done in the past?

I have to be honest and admit that I do not have a lot of faith in the banks that approved ridiculous loans and then started to cry when they realized their get rich scheme fell apart because they allowed greed to blind common sense.

I need some real convincing to see the wisdom of the US government using my tax dollars as funds to buy the consolidated debt of several banks.

Why help these big greedy banks? Why not make funds available to little banks, who know how to loan responsibly and who will make a profit on our money in the long run?

The big banks got what they deserved. Why do we have to pay for their greed and stupidity?

I don't trust the banks to do the right thing. We will have to watch closely and be ready to call them to task immediately. We have to make sure that Congress actually becomes the watchdog they should have been all along.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What are the actual terms of the "Bailout"?

Is AIG committing a legal crime by paying bonuses or simple a moral crime? The truth of the matter is that I do not know because I do not know what terms (contract) the banks/companies signed with the US government to receive our tax dollars. So I thought I would ask my senators to provide the actual terms of the contract. I also sent the request to Senators John McCain and Chris Dodd since they were principal players in the creation of the bailout.
As always, feel free to use all or any of the letter when contacting your own representatives.

Dear Senator

We have heard the outrage of everyone regarding the AIG bonuses and some in Congress are proposing a 90% tax on the money.

What I would like to know is just what are the terms of the loans (bailout) made to AIG, Morgan Stanley, CitiGroup, etc.

I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy of the terms these institutions agreed to follow before accepting taxpayer money.

I want to be certain they are being held accountable to a contract they made with the US government, rather than some moral code Congress is now imposing because of the public fury.
I think all of us need to know just what restrictions Congress put on these companies, what are the loan pay back conditions, and what penalties can legally be imposed if the companies fail to live up to their end of the contract.

Knowing what the contract says will make it easier and clearer to know just now our taxpayer dollars were used and just when they are going to be repaid, with interest.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What a Week

Well, it was an interesting week.

There was all the fall out about the AIG bonuses, the figure has risen from $165 million to $215 million and who knows what the final figure will be when its all over. Congress is making all kind of threats but we'll have to wait and see what really comes out of it.

Chris Dodd, head of the banking and finance committee in the Senate evidently did not understand the documents he had been given, not to mention the fact that he has gotten some nice contributions from the Wall street gang over the years. Had to tone down his outrage because the truth of the matter is he is either stupid or a crook. Which do you think?

Banks are still holding onto their money, even though some of them now have commercials about how they want to help with debt consolidation and refinance. They just are keeping the fine print very fine so the consumer won't know just what it will all cost.

President Obama went on the Jay Leno show and hemmed and hawed his way through questions about how one minute he is telling the people to be calm and the next minute he is telling the people its okay to be angry and outraged. He better be careful. When all the details of his budget plan come out, that anger and outrage could be pointed at him.

The President also shared his hopes for March Madness with ESPN. The country is going to hell in a handbag and he is worried about college basketball. Go figure.

Pope Benedict is touring Africa and causing controversy by saying that condoms aren't the answer to AIDS. He's right. I understand his point that the Catholic Church has always taught against contraception and that people should not be promiscuous and wait til marriage. A good moral teaching, but what do we do with the reality? Unfortunately, the Catholic Church never moves quickly when it comes to change. Education is needed, both regarding the spread and prevention of AIDS, as well as Catholic Church teaching on moral issues. As I have mentioned in the past, all Catholic should take the time to read Pope Paul VI encyclical "Humane Vitae". That is the best guide for the moral decisions that the Catholic Church has ever released.

Finally, I had a birthday this week and am now closer to sixty than fifty-five. Which means I am closer to retirement, which am eagerly awaiting, but also closer to the time when I will need to make some serious decisions about the course of my future.

The current financial situation in the world will probably force me to rethink some of my plans.

Speaking of retirement and crooks, I was glad to see the court decided Bernie Madoff can continue his retirement years in jail up until when he gets his formal sentence. I hope that he will shortly be joined by his wife and the rest of his family. What a bunch of crooks.

Keep up to date on what is happening. Write your legislators and demand actions that protect and help us, not just actions that spend our money on nothing.

Its our life and our country, we are the ones who have to make things better.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Senator Mikulski on the AIG Bonuses

Here is Senator Mikulski's views on the AIG bonuses.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for getting in touch with me about the outrageous bonuses American International Group (AIG) paid out to its executives. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.

If you want to know what I think AIG really stands for, it's 'Ain't I Greedy'. People who played by the rules and are raising their families or trying to run a small business can't have access to credit. They're worried about keeping their jobs. They're losing their life savings. They're worried about holding on to their home or their health insurance.

And now the very people who helped bring the financial services and structure of the world economy to the brink of disaster want to give themselves bonuses! Giving bonuses to AIG financial executives is like giving bonuses to the captain of the Titanic for navigation. They got us into this mess. They show no remorse. And now they're saying they need to be paid extra to get us out of it.

I've sent a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of AIG telling them to voluntarily give up the bonuses. Say goodbye to the people who either don't know how to get us out of this mess or who are unwilling to help us get out of this mess unless they get a lavish bonus. And if they won't do that, I'm cosponsoring legislation to take the money back by taxing these AIG bonuses at 90 percent.

Knowing of your views is very helpful to me and I will keep them in mind. I know you're mad as hell and so am I. If you'd like to read more, I encourage you to visit my website where you can read the transcript of my floor statement on this issue and my letter to the CEO of AIG. Video of me speaking on the Senate floor about the AIG bonuses is available online at

Again, thanks for contacting me. Please let me know if I can be of help to you in the future.

Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Doing the Right Thing

Last week NBC News sponsored a segment about people making a difference by helping others in these troubled times. As I watched I wondered why the banks, Wall Street, and the gang on the Hill couldn't do the same thing.

Wouldn't it be nice if banks helped people with debt consolidation and helped adjust mortgages so people stayed in their homes?

Wouldn't it be nice if the folks on Wall Street took their bonuses and helped those most in need?

And wouldn't it be nice if Congress stopped over reacting and simple started acting responsible and putting the welfare of America ahead of their own political needs?

I know, I'm dreaming. But maybe there is hope that this crisis will help all of us to grow, share, be more generous, have patience, be forgiving and most importantly work together.

None of us can do it alone, this has to be a unified effort.

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chinese Invasion - Where is Power to the People?

Learned something interesting today. While the majority of us are worried about things like debt consolidation, paying the mortgage, wondering how AIG is paying bonuses and why Congress isn't protecting us, there is a group of Chinese millionaires who have come to the US of A looking for real estate bargains.

Last week the Chinese Premier mentioned he was a little concerned about the value of the dollar going down and them not getting their loans repaid. The Obama Administration assured the Chinese that their was no better investment than the United States of America. Evidently a group of Chinese millionaires took the Administration at its word and they have begun a cross country odyssey grabbing at every bargain they can.

Already they have been to LA and Vegas, and some have been caught checking out the Manhattan skyline. Not to mention resort communities in places like Delaware and the Carolinas.

Remember when we were worried about the the Japanese and Saudis buying everything? Now it appears that the Chinese are interested in the left overs. While people get all excited about illegal Hispanic immigration, the Chinese, along with the Japanese and oil rich Middle Easterners, are buying up the country right under our noses without a whimper of protest on any one's part.

Before you know it we will be paying our rents, mortgages and taxes directly to foreign nations, because they will own us.

Greed just continues and the sense of nationalism and loyalty just fades away, especially for those only interested in a quick buck.

I would suggest telling Congress to protect our land but I think its too late. We owe too much due to their reckless spending and "loan" techniques. Instead of debt consolidation, they only want to see debt spiraling throughout the constellations. Through debt and real estate purchases by foreign nationals, we are losing the USA.

I would appreciate any ideas on what we can do to save the country. What is a good way to get our legislators off their butts and working for us, rather than the almighty dollar? Is it time for a true political revolution, where we turn everything upside down and try and return to the early days of a fledgling republic? It wasn't easy or perfect, but there was a beauty to it, something that is entirely missing today.

Let's fight for our country. If we don't, no one else will.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Letters to the President & Senate regarding AIG Bonuses

As I mentioned yesterday, I wrote letters to the President and my senators regarding the AIG Bonus payout. Please feel free to use all or any part in contacting your representatives. We need to let the, know what we think about them wasting our money.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator
I just read the following article
Can you please explain to me why our taxpayer dollars are going to pay bonuses to AIG employees?
AIG failed, due to the greed and incompetence of its employees, without a bailout of my taxpayer dollars, AIG would be bankrupt and its employees on the street. However, due to some contract signed before we, the American taxpayer became involuntary share holders of AIG; the company is obligated to pay out $165 million in bonuses. Are we share holders getting any bonus?
I feel that Congress has definitely failed to protect the American public with this bank and Wall Street bailout. You approved billions of dollars, released it to these institutions with no controls or accountability. Now our money is being used to pay bonuses to the incompetent idiots who created our current financial crisis.
Explain to me why my money is being used in this manner?
Why hasn't Treasury Secretary Geithner informed AIG that the rules have changed and there will be no bonuses until AIG has paid back its bailout money and become solvent on its own?
Once again I feel that Congress has failed the American public and wasted our money. When will you become responsible and look out for our interests, rather than those of the fat cats on Wall Street?

Dear Mister President
I just read the following article
Can you please explain to me why our taxpayer dollars are going to pay bonuses to AIG employees?
AIG failed, due to the greed and incompetence of its employees, without a bailout of my taxpayer dollars, AIG would be bankrupt and its employees on the street. However, due to some contract signed before we, the American taxpayer became involuntary share holders of AIG; the company is obligated to pay out $165 million in bonuses. Are we share holders getting any bonus?
I feel that the Executive Branch and Congress have definitely failed to protect the American public with this bank and Wall Street bailout. You approved billions of dollars, released it to these institutions with no controls or accountability. Now our money is being used to pay bonuses to the incompetent idiots who created our current financial crisis.
Explain to me why my money is being used in this manner?
Why hasn't Treasury Secretary Geithner informed AIG that the rules have changed and there will be no bonuses until AIG has paid back its bailout money and become solvent on its own?
Once again I feel that the Executive Branch and Congress have failed the American public and wasted our money. When will you become responsible and look out for our interests, rather than those of the fat cats on Wall Street?
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to voice my concerns.
I await your response.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

AIG Bonus Payments

I saw a head line that AIG must pay bonuses to its employees, even though it ended up in the red and took a hefty amount of tax payer money to stay solvent. Here is the article.

Needless to say I do not care what contracts AIG employees signed prior to the bailout. Without the bailout money, AIG would be bankrupt, and the employees unemployed. Now, they are going to use taxpayer money to provide these bonuses, although they plan to restructure bonuses in the future.

Give me a break. The company failed and is only surviving at tax payer expense. As an involuntary share holder of AIG, no one has offered me any bonus. Why should those who took the company into debt get a bonus?

These are questions I will be asking my representatives and probably the president because I find this the worst kind of rip off.

I will be posting my letters in the near future.

Send your own letters and be heard. Its our country and our money. We need to have our say.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sentaor Cardin on the Stmulus

Senator Cardin responded today about his view of the stimulus. More and more its like the blind leading the blind. (Please note - I did not edit his response, what you see is what I got. Maybe he should hirer a staffer to proof read.)

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me regarding the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( H.R. 1 ) . Over the past few months, I have heard from thousand s of Maryland ers who are struggling in this economic climate, but are also worried about significant new federal spending . I share your concerns about our economy; it is my top priority in the United States Senate.

Our economy is hurting and President Obama asked Congress to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act . I agree with President Obama that there is no miracle that will solve our problems overnight, but if we do not act quickly, this recession could continue for years . America could lose its competitive edge that has served as the foundation for our strength and standing in the world . I am committed to working in a bipartisan manner to find ef fective legislative solutions that benefit working individuals and families. These solutions must be timely, temporary, and guarantee greater transparency and accountability so that consumers, homeowners, investors and taxpayers are adequately protected. Additionally, we must improve the current regulatory system so that we can help stabilize the financial markets and increase the availability of credit to families and small businesses.
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would provide needed tax relief for individuals and families. The bill include s a $25 0 one-time payment distrib uted to Social S ecurity ben eficiaries, disabled veterans, SSI beneficiaries, and retired rail-road workers; an alternative minimum tax patch for 2009; a temporary suspension of federal income tax on the first $2,400 of unemployment benefits; and an expansion of the homeowner tax credit to $8 ,000 .

I also sponsored a provision in the bill that would provide relief to our nation's small businesses. It is essential that surety bonding capacity be available for small business contractors once funds are made available to rebuild our nations' infrastructure. My provision increase s the current statutory limits under the Surety Bond Guarantee Program from $2 million to $5 million . This will allow small businesses to compete for a greater share of federal contracts and ensure that the government better spreads it s ' work among minority owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, and disadvantaged small businesses.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 would provide important investments in health information technology. These investments will quickly grow jobs in the health care sector and eventually improve the quality of health care for every American. The bill would also expand health insurance coverage through COBRA and Medicaid programs to individuals who lose their jobs and are uninsured. It also include s a temporary increase in the Medicaid federal matching funds, several unemployment benefits , and supplemental grant extensions for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to assist states struggling to meet the growing needs of newly unemployed workers.

On a local level, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would provide at least $2.5 billion for Maryland . A portion of t his money would put Marylanders immediately to work rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges , and transit systems - creating a stronger and more efficient infrastructure for the 21st century economy. Funds will be distributed throughout Maryland for infrastructure , science, education, training, energy, and will help protect our most vulnerable citizens by providing immediate relief for the poor, the young , and the elderly.

Representative David Obey introduced H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 on January 26 , 2009. The House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Conference Report by a vote of 246-183 on February 13, 2009, and it was forwarded to the Senate . I voted for H.R. 1 , and the Senate passed it by a vote of 60-38 that evening. On February 17, President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and it became Public L aw : 111-5 .

I appreciate your contacting me about this most serious and difficult issue. I ask that you continue to keep me informed of your views on efforts to improve the economy. With your help, we can work together in pursuit of bipartisan solutions to improve the lives of working families and our country as a whole. Please visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

President Obama, the "Except" President

President Obama has survived his first fifty days and no one knows how much of our money he will spend by the time he reaches day one hundred. This is the man who convinced many of us that he was sincere and truly going to bring change to Washington D.C.


He said lobbyists would have no influence on his administration and yet three influential lobbyists, Teal Baker, Brandon Hurlbut and Daniel Shapario were all part of his campaign. Baker is working for Podesta again, Hurlbut appears to be working behind the scenes for the Administration and Shapiro is an advisor to the National Security Council. No lobbyist influence here.


No more entitlements or pork. Except of course in the $415 billion bill he just signed that has pork oozing through the cracks. Of course the excuse is that the bill was ready to go before he took office. Imagine what would have happened if he took a moral stand, kept his promise and vetoed the bill.


The President talks one way when facing the people but then does another song and dance with the Congress.

The sad truth of the matter is that thus far Obama has shown himself to be just another politician who told a bunch of lies, put us into a debt we'll never get out of, and has sucked out the hope we had back in November.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he will surprise me and many others and actually prove to be a man of his word.


I don't think Congress is going to let it happen. They outnumber him and they are never going to give up their power.

Let's talk line item veto and term limits. Let's give the country back to the people.

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Family - The Best Stimulus Package

Last night on the news I saw a story about the tent cities springing up around the country as more and more people lose their jobs and homes. We talked about it at work today and one of the women I work with said she didn't understand why the families of these people did not take them in.

I think that is a good point. I have two brothers and a sister, and even though we live in four different states and don't see each other as often as we should, if one of us gets in trouble we know the others will be there.

Maybe one of the sad things to come out of this economic crisis is to see that sadly the American family is truly dissolving. In the beginning, family loyalty was the priority, then loyalty to the clan, the tribe and evidently the complex society of the nation. The basis of everything was the strong family base and unfortunately that is fading away.

While we all struggle through these economic hardships, we all need to take the time to consider how we can strengthen our family ties and be there for each other. We should be able to depend on our families, not the government.

I know families are not as big as they used to be. My daughter is an only child, so she is one of many who needs to build strong and lasting relationships with her cousins and friends who are in similar situations.

The important thing is that we all support and strengthen our families. Our support and strength needs to be from the basic support unit - family.

If we can renew the family, if we start working from the core and then push out, then we will be able to overcome the hardships facing us, and return to our place of leadership in the world.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Senator Tom Harkin and "Pork"

The more I hear about the $415 billion the Congress wants to rush through with all the entitlements (spelled PORK) the madder I get.

Senator Tom Harkin, Iowa Democrat, wants $1.7 million for "Swine Odor and Manure Management Research." Live up wind of the pig farm, not too hard to figure out. Since I doubt they will be coming out with a deodorant or perfume for pigs to use, I really do not understand the value of this study.

Now, if the basic concept was to discover how pig manure can be converted into inexpensive methane fuel for vehicles, then I might be sympathetic. However, that does not appear to be the plan.

The real kicker is that $1.9 million have already been spent on this project during the past two years.

Our country is facing what is going to be the worst economic catastrophe of my life time, and our "leaders" think studying swine odor is more important than getting people back to work, saving and improving our education system, rebuilding our infrastructure and changing the world image of our country to that of a true leader.

Unfortunately, Harkens is not alone in wanting to bring the "pork" home to his people. There are other entitlements in the bill that seem just as selfish and stupid, yet I fear, that for all his talk, President Obama is going to go ahead and sign it, promising to do better next time.

Obama was elected because he promised true change in DC.

The crooks on Capital Hill aren't changing, we will have to see if the President keeps his word and keeps the faith of the American public. If he fails us, then he fails future generations, because he has already put us in a debt that my grandchildren and probably great-grand children will have to pay.

Please write your representatives and tell them no more pork!
Have them push for the line item veto!
Let's give the president the power he needs to fight Congress in the spot they understand, their pocketbook.

Its our money and we don't want it spent worrying about pig odors, we want it spent to save our country.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Strength of the USA

President Obama let it be known that 12,000 American troops will be leaving Iraq this coming September, as well as 4,000 British troops and the insurgents responded by sending a suicide bomber to a police recruitment center and killing more than thirty people and wounding numerous more.

Now that the insurgents have the USA departure time table, it appears they are letting their fellow country men know that the best thing to do is stay out of sight because once the western powers depart the Sunni, Shiite, and Kurds are going to get down to the business of a serious civil war. We know that Iran will be supporting the Shiites, it will be interesting to see who supports the Sunni and Kurds.

Of course the regrettable thing of all of this is the similarity to what happened in Viet Nam. Once again US troops will be retreating without resolving anything. President Obama has said he will leave a force of 30 to 50 thousand behind for security purposes, but the reality is that other than protecting the embassy and maybe the airport, these troops will have little effect on anything.

Since I do not personally think the Iraq government is stable or strong enough to exist on its own, I see a massive civil war beginning in 2011 and there is no telling what the final result will be. Iraq could be divided into three separate countries, or we could see the beginning of a civil war running for decades.

One thing that will be obvious is that the USA failed in its mission and only created more chaos in the Middle East.

Along with this, I was shocked to hear that President Obama believes that there are moderates in the Taliban and that he wants to initiate dialogue with these men (we know the Taliban has no women with any power) to see about stabilizing the situation in Afghanistan. From what we have seen of the Taliban over the past several months it is evident their view is that they should have the power as they recently showed in Pakistan by taking over part of that country.

Thus far the new Administration is not projecting an image of strength to world, but rather one of weakness, compromise and in the case of the gift to the Russian Foreign Minister, stupidity in not getting the right word working together.

Our foreign image has gone from war monger to foolish, which is worse?

I realize that President Obama and the Congress are facing serious domestic as well as foreign issues and crisis. I just wish they could appear to be competent in dealing with them.

If they are out of their depth they need to admit it, forget about their egos and hire people who can get the job done.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Senator Cardin on Tim Geithner

Finally, two months after the fact Senator Cardin responded regarding my concerns of Tim Geithner as Secretary of the Treasury.
Here are his words of wisdom.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for your letter concerning the nomination of Timothy Geithner to be President Obama's Treasury Secretary.

I have heard from many constituents like you who are concerned that Mr. Geithner failed to pay the full amount of self-employment taxes he owed from 2001 through 2004 while he was employed at the International Monetary Fund. I share your concerns.

Mr. Geithner claims that the failure to pay these taxes was unintentional. He has since amended his returns for 2001 through 2004 and paid the full amount of back taxes and interest due to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). I have concerns because a 2006 IRS audit to Mr. Geithner revealed the shortcoming. Initially, he paid what he owed for 2003 and 2004; the IRS was prevented from collecting the taxes owed from 2001 and 2002 because of the statute of limitations. When the new administration's transition team started vetting Mr. Geithner's potential nomination, he paid his 2001 and 2002 back tax obligations. This is disturbing: as Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geithner is in charge of the IRS. Certainly, his credibility on tax compliance issues is weak.

In deciding whether to support Mr. Geithner's nomination, I weighed his transgression, serious as it is, against a lifetime of dedicated public service and the crucial experience he brings to the job. I also believe that for the most part, Presidents are entitled to choose their own cabinet members. For these reasons, I voted to confirm Mr. Geithner, but I did so in the hope and belief that publicly airing this matter has sufficiently chastened him and other potential nominees. This was a most difficult decision for me.

Again, I appreciate your contacting me about this issue. I hope that you will not hesitate to do so about this or any other matter of importance to you.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Senator Mikulski on Energy

The other day I shared Congressman Ruppersberger view on energy reform. Today I have the response I received from Senator Barbara Mikulski.
Let me know if you think they are addressing our concerns.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for writing to me about funding for alternative energy in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(P.L. 111-5). It's great to hear from you.

I have good news! The ARRA included over $41 billion to improve the way our country uses, produces and conserves energy. This will support projects such as the Weatherization Assistance Program, modernizing the electric grid, repairing federal buildings to increase energy efficiency, fossil energy research and development, energy efficiency and renewable energy research and many others. Securing our energy future is important. I supported this funding legislation because I believe in a sensible energy plan that promotes alternative energy and energy efficiency and reduces global warming pollution.

President Obama and Congress have taken a major step forward by enacting the ARRA. Only a few weeks into a new Congress and a new Administration, we stood up for America and enacted the most significant economic stimulus legislation in our nation's history. By standing with President Obama, we stand up for America to create jobs for people who have lost them and to help those who have jobs keep them.

The ARRA creates jobs by investing in our infrastructure. It fixes aging physical infrastructure like roads, bridges, public transit and water systems. It invests in the technological infrastructure like broadband to expand small businesses. And it makes major improvements to our social infrastructure by investing in education so that families and local school districts can help special needs children, extending unemployment insurance for struggling families, and increasing federal assistance for the Medicaid program so states won't cut care for seniors and the poor. It also has targeted tax breaks to help families and small businesses.

For more information on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, you may be interested in the White House website, where you can read the full text of the legislation and see how the money is being spent.

Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.

Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator P.S. If I can be of further assistance in the future,please visit my website at http://mikulski.senate.govor call my Washington D.C. office at 202-224-4654

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Congressman Ruppersberger on Energy

I just received the following letter from my congressman about making America energy independent. Is it just me, or is this another politican who talks in generalities and avoids specifics at all costs?
Let me know what you think.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:
This letter acknowledges receipt of your communication regarding our nation’s need for clean, renewable energy.
The energy crisis has sparked a renewed debate in Congress about the direction of our country’s energy policies. Our national energy policy is advancing into a new direction to include more research and development of domestic, renewable sources of energy. This is an important step toward making our country energy independent and addressing climate change.
While clean, domestic, renewable energy is important, we also have to provide our citizens with practical tools to help them become energy efficient so that they may save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
The recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which I supported, expands the Section 25C tax credit for the purchase of qualified energy efficient improvements in existing homes. It eliminates a $200 per-window credit cap and replaces it with a broader $1,500 credit for windows and other energy-efficient improvements. I believe this will help homeowners save on their energy costs, and help create more jobs and help protect the environment.
Congress is working to move our energy policy in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go. I support the research, development, and production of domestic renewable energy sources along with increased energy-efficient products for homes and businesses. We must take a pro-active role in addressing global warming, and we also need to find ways to move our country away from imported oil and natural gas. I support policies that will help create a new energy economy.
I appreciate hearing your views on this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future if you have any questions or comments. To receive additional information about issues that are facing Congress, Maryland and the Nation that may affect you and your community, please visit my website at and sign up for my periodic e-mail newsletter. Sincerely,C.A. Dutch RuppersbergerMember of Congress

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

President of Sudan charged as a Criminal

The World Criminal Court, located in the Hague in the Netherlands, has charged the president of the Sudan as a criminal. However, the three judges would not go so far as to say that the man was guilty of attempted genocide. The fact that he wants to annihilate any tribe in the country that is not Muslim, evidently does not mean that his intent is genocide.

Already the Sudanese government has ordered the removal of at least twelve aide organizations operating in the Sudan, stating that these groups are actually aiding the fight against the Sudanese government and not helping the people of the country.

Point counter point. Of course the real question is - what does it mean?

If the president of the Sudan leaves his country will INTERPOL police arrest him in a neutral location? Just what is the power of the Criminal Court?

I will have to do some research and get back to you on that.

What I don't understand is why the UN didn't send in troops years ago to protect the poor of Darfur, rather than let them die or become refugees in Chad. As has been the case in all of Africa, and the Middle East, the UN has been a very weak organization with no backbone. If the UN represents what is suppose to be the best of the world, then they should start acting the part and show some force.

But maybe the UN's real role is merely to be a sounding board, a place for nations to blow steam before a world war begins. Its just too bad they don't do a better job.

Why fund an organization that has so little effect? Something to think about.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Letter to the President

After reading about some of the earmarks (pork) in the $410 billion bill the President plans to sign today, I felt I had to let him know how I felt and sent the following. I doubt if it will have any effect, but at least I let him know how one voter feels. Feel free to use any or all and write to him yourself. The President needs to know how we feel. Its our government and our money.

Its Common Sense!

Mr President

You campaigned against earmarks (pork) yet today you plan to sign a $410 billion bill that is full of them.


Rather than sign the bill, I think you need to get your fellow Democrats on the Hill to propose line item veto legislation so that you can keep your promise and cut the pork.

Most of us who voted for you did so because you promised to change the government. Thus far its business as usual.You offered hope but now it looks like greed and special interests continue to rule.

If the only way to save the country is by dishing out pork, maybe its not worth saving.

Listen to the people not the politicians- after all we're the ones you are going to be coming to in four years, they won't be able to do anything for you if we believe you lied and let us down.

Get the line item veto, save the country.

Thank you.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Line Item Veto

I just sent the following letter to my two senators, along with Senator John McCain. Please feel free to use all of any part when contacting your own representatives. We have to control how our tax money is being spent. The line item veto is one way of control.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator
In watching the news during the past two weeks, it is evident that our country is in trouble and that responsible spending is going to be necessary to get the country's economy back on track.
One way I feel that the President and Congress can show the American people that the debt they creating is responsible, is by passing the line item veto.
President Obama has made it very clear that he is against entitlements (pork) and with the Democrats controlling both the legislative and executive branches of the government, I feel this is an excellent time to show that the people's money is going to be use responsibility and not for special interests.
The line item veto is one area where you should be able to get bi-partisan support. We all know that Senator John McCain is a great proponent of this measure and if he co-sponsors the bill with the senators of Maryland there is a high probability of success.
We day we listen to the staggering amounts, perhaps $4 trillion just in interest to pay, that we the people need to know our money is being spent wisely and appropriately.
Thus far the score card on Congressional oversight is not good. Congress gave $350 billion to banks that only seem to be using their money for their own purposes, not the American public. Where are the Congressional controls?
We the people need to know that the President and Congress are serious about controlling the debt that is placing on this country for the next four generations.
The line item veto let's us know that bills can be passed without "pork" being forced on.
With a debt in the trillions, the days of Congressional free spending needs to end. Every dollar needs to be account for.
Push the passage of the line item veto and show America that you truly care.
Thank you.