Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate

I know that both sides have claimed victory for the VP debate, and let them do it. After all, we aren't voting for the the VPs, we're voting for the president and the VP gets to come along for the ride.
That said, I'd like to offer my comments on the debate.

I enjoyed this a lot more than the one between Obama and McCain. Both candidates made eye contact with their opponents, both were strong on their opinions but not obnoxious or rude to one another.

I thought Sarah Palin did a good job. Of course after the two Katie Couric interviews we were all rooting a little bit for her. I thought the wink and smile were cute. Not cute enough for me to vote for her if she was running for anything on her own, but cute. She certainly tried to sell the fact that she was part of middle America, that she knew exactly how we felt and that she and Todd had suffered through many of the same things we were going through.
Of course she did ramble at times, and I have to admit that there were two instances where I lost her train of thought altogether. I still do not know when she would use nuclear weaponry.
Also her two mantra's "McCain the maverick", and "governor of a energy producing state" got a little repetitious. However, over all I found her entertaining and really trying to speak to the people and sell her cause.

Joe Biden comported himself as a gentleman. Right off the bat he allowed her to call him Joe, and he tried to keep his answers brief and to the point, while occasionally smiling at some remark Palin made. He had his one teary moment remembering his first wife and the accident and what happened to his kids, but overall he played the role of statesman. A little boring at times, but over all a good performance.
Do you think he knows that the American commanding general in Afghanistan is not McCellan?
I am sure he does and he acted as gentleman and did not correct Palin

OK. A fun debate, some personal information/opinions did come out, notably that neither one believes in gay marriage, but they do believe in the rights of same sex partnerships. Both think education in this country needs improving - although need provide anything concrete.

And of course that was the problem with the debate. Once again we heard a lot of generalities but nothing specific or concrete.

Can somebody explain to me the difference in their tax plans? I have written both of the candidates for specifics and received nothing. If they cannot tell a potential voter what they plan to do, what are they going to present to Congress if they win?

Anyway, the debate was fun, but in my opinion meaningless. It is Obama and McCain who have to step up to the plate and knock the ball out of the park. (Who knew I could use a sports analogy?) These two men have to give use specifics.

Their next confrontation is Tuesday. We'll see what happens.

This is going to be the first weekend of October. Get out and see the changing leaves and enjoy the first days of autumn.
All of us should make the most of every day we're granted.
Its Common Sense.


Rebecafw said...

Please YouTube the Katie Couric and Palin interviews. She not's a real maverick...she's a real moron. She is just like George W.

I think it's hilarious that she thinks she has foreign policy experience because her state borders Canada and that Putin could fly over Alaska.

I also think it's funny that she says she is like the rest of the middle class when her income has been shown over a million dollars! She chose not to live in the governor's house, but still charges Alaskans for everyday she is living in her home (for food, utilities, etc).

At least, Arnold gives his governor's salary to charity.

Rebecafw said...

The only reason people think she did a good job is because she didn't fall flat on her face.

I think it is absolutely unacceptable to hold her to the standards as Joe Biden, it's an example of sexism.

You could tell that she was nervous at the beginning of the debate, which is understandable because is an ignorant person.

She has to resort to winks and attempting to appear "cute" in order to get sympathy.

Way to take the women's movement back a few decades, Palin!