Sunday, April 3, 2011

2011 Federal Budget

I sent the following to the Speaker of the House and my representatives as a possible government shutdown looms on April 8. They need to grow up and look the interests of the country, not themselves.

It's Common Sense!

Dear Speaker

April 8 is approaching and there is no word if the US Congress is close to passing a budget for fiscal year 2011.
As a Federal employee I have become disgusted over the years with Congress's inability to have a budget passed when it is due - October 1 of every year. Instead, there are continuing resolutions as Congressman and Senators add on their favorite projects. One year my agency’s budget was held up because abortion legislation had been tacked on. Another year several special interest projects were tacked on, one being the study of trout fishing in West Virginia.
Why does Congress allow the Federal Budget to be used by special interests? The budget needs to be independent, so our Federal Government can function timely and competently.
Instead, here we are six months after the budget due date and fighting is still going on. There is talk of a government shut down if things are not resolved by this Friday.
Why do Federal employees and the American public have to suffer because of Congress's in competency? Will you or any of your staff not be paid if the government shuts down? Will any of your mortgage payments, school tuition payments, health care, and basic needs be put in jeopardy? Probably not, Congress has a way of protecting itself and leaving the rest of us to our own means.
Please explain to me what shutting down the government proves? To other countries it shows our leadership as two little kids fighting over a ball and neither is giving in until they get what they want. I have seen commentaries on how the US Congress is looking more Third World all of the time. Negative posturing with no practical or positive solutions does not project the image of “the Leader of the Free World“.
I hear Representatives and Senators saying all the time they know what the American people want. Who did they ask? Do they really think the majority of Americans want to see big business get more tax breaks, while funding is denied to childrens programming on public TV? Do you really think the American people want to hear that the financial institutions that lead us into a financial melt down can pay higher bonuses than ever to their employees and not pay a penalty tax for using our tax dollars for a bail out?
Maybe Congress is big business friendly but the middle class is tired of picking up the bills while corporations get all kinds of write offs. GE had one of their best years ever but paid little to no Federal tax. Why?
Be responsible. Get the budget passed. Compromise and act like adults, not spoiled children.
As a Federal employee I'm willing to do my part. I took a pay freeze; I saw my health care premiums increase and my out of pocket increase. I pay more for gas and food because of the current world situation. I will do my part. You need to make sure everyone does their part. That government cuts are across the board, that nobody is protected. The oil companies do not need subsides, they seem to be making out just fine on their own, as do the power companies and every major financial institution. Everybody needs to pay and suffer equally and that includes Congress.
Forget that you are a Republican or Democrat, forget that you will need to be elected again, become a caring, concerned US citizen and do what is right for the country, not your personal agenda.

Thank you!

Michael Wolfe

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Congress and the 2011 Budget

I have been away from the blog for awhile but the goings on in DC finally got to me and I need to speak out. I sent the following missive to the Speaker of the House, my senators and my Congressman. Accountability is what Congress needs to look at. Forget all the petty squabbling - look out for all Americans, not just their buddies.
Please feel free to use any part of the letter when contacting your representives.
Accountability - its Common Sense!!


I like most Americans have been listening to the debate on the Federal Budget and one word that seems to be ignored is ACCOUNTABILITY.
Congress needs to be accountable to all Americans when they make budget cuts, not just their constituents. The military said it does not need anymore C17 transport planes, but Congress keeps them in the budget because of their constituents. If the military says no, then no.
Government contractors appear to be leeches on tax payer money. All you hear about are over costs. When I hire a contractor to do work on my house, he looks at the job and tells me how much. That's what I pay him. If he made a bad estimate, it's on him not me. When are government contractors held accountable? They gave the bid to get the job; they need to live with their bid.
I agree that there is a lot of waste in Federal agencies. I am a Federal employee and see it everyday. The problem is that when we complain, we are ignored. I believe a serious study needs to be made of overtime practices if every government agencies. I know some departments that have "perpetual" overtime, yet the employees are not held accountable to production and accuracy standards. Maybe a little more Congressional oversight rather than whining would be more productive.
Big business breaks. I, like most Americans, was scandalized when the banks that caused the financial crisis were able to pay big bonuses to their employees less than a year later. Where was my bonus? My tax dollars bailed them out but I did not get anything. In truth I am being asked to sacrifice as a federal employee but they are asked to have fun spending their bonus. When won't Congress tax the rich a little more? Why are the rich protected and the middle class and poor left to pick up the bills?
With our current economic problems no business should be getting subsidies, not oil, not agro business, not anyone. These people are making billions and yet Congress wants to help them. Congress wants to cut back on EPA standards that protect the environment to assist their big business friends, but want to do away with Planned Parenthood, because uneducated girls and boys can take care of themselves.
Finally, Foreign Aide. Its time we wake up to the fact that we are not the policeman of the world. Our days of empire are coming to an end. The billions sent out in foreign aide need to stay home and take care of Americans. How many billions went to Egypt are sitting in Mubarak's Swiss account? The people of Egypt went looking for their independence on their own and have inspired the Middle East. The billions wasted in Iraq will never pay for our service men and women who died there. Afghanistan drags on and no one has seen bin Laden, which is why we went in the first place.
Bring the foreign aide money home. Put it in our schools so we can compete with the rest of the world. Put in our small businesses, so we can stop outsourcing and build things in America. Bring it home so we can give our citizens affordable health care they all deserve.
Accountability - Congress needs to be accountable to everyone. Government shut downs shows the world American leaders are school kids fighting in the playground trying to be tough regardless of the outcome. If you feel America is the world leader other countries need to look to, then start setting the example and lead. Make hard choices across the board for everyone. If all pay, it's fair, if you let the rich and "powerful" off, then its politics as normal in this country.

Thank you.
Michael Wolfe