Saturday, January 31, 2009

Self Sufficient Energy

I was asked to look at the following sight,
which goes into detail about a large oil deposit in North & South Dakota, as well as Montana. Based on the article there is enough oil available to keep the USA of self sufficient for 40 some years, plenty of time for us to develop alternatives. Definitely a way for us to stop our dependence on foreign oil.

I wrote my senators asking what they plan on doing with the reserve. I'll let you know if and when I get a response.

The USA could cut its bonds to foreign oil. Imagine that. Prices would be set at home, not by a world market. Finally we can take care of ourselves first and the rest of the world later.

In these tough economic times we have to do what is best for us. It will create jobs, cut our dependence on foreign oil, and allow us to pursue alternative energy forms at a healthy rate.

The oil is here, we should use it responsibly.

Its Common Sense!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Senator Cardin on Social Security Reform & Pardons

Here is the response I received from Senator Ben Cardin on both the issuance of presidential pardons and executive orders, and Social Security reform

Once you read this this you'll understand why the country is in its current state.

I did not touch his spelling or grammar.)

Thank you for contacting me regarding Presidential power. I appreciate hearing from you.

The 110th Congressional Session adjourn ed in January , and as a result all of the pending legi slation expire d . These issues remain relevant and will likely be re introduced in the n ext session for consideration. Rest assured that I will keep your thoughts in mind for the next Congressional Session.

You might also be interested in visiting my website at, where you will find information about my vi ews on a wide range of issues. In addition, there are links to press releases, testimony, and articles I have written, and you can sign up to receive my periodic e-newsletter.

Thank you again. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about any other issue of concern to you.

The Joy of Life

In the early hours this morning , around 1am, I had a seizure. My wife, although terrified, reacted quickly, called 911 and even before she could go to a neighbor for help the police, followed by the ambulance arrived.

I was unaware of anything until I came conscious in the ambulance, strapped down, and paniced. I did not like being restrained and the paramedics had to work to calm me down.

In the ER I was given a battery of tests, and thus far, thank God, nothing has been found. Next I have to make an appointment with a neurologist to make sure the brain waves are functioning normally.

One of my thoughts during this ordeal was payment. Thank God I am insured, but how much is covered and how much will come out of my pocket?

Knowing the fear my wife and I went through, at least we know we are covered. I cannot imagine the fear of someone not covered who worries they may receive inferior or inadequate treatment because of money.

I hope that President Obama is faithful to his pledge of health care for everyone.

With all of the new technology available, we all have the right to a better life and care.

Let's make sure that those in power insure those rights.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama and the Middle East

Yesterday President Obama gave his first one on one interview. The reporter was not from Fox, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC or CSPAN. The reporter was Hisham Melhem, who works for
al-Arabiya TV, headquartered in Dubai, but evidently funded by backers in Saudi Arabia.

Needless to say this was a real coup and an indication that the Obama White House will be going to the foreign press to reach a more diverse audience with his message.

Obama stated that he had Muslim relatives in Kenya, that he had lived in the most Muslem populated country in the world (Indonesia) and that he felt all religions had a place in the world. The president stressed that the America's war on terror was against fanatical Islamic fundamentalist, not the majority of believers.

It will be interesting to see what effect the interview will have for the Muslim viewing public. Hopefully, Obama set the right tone and the majority will allow his Administration to pursue its goal towards a lasting Middle East peace.

Also heard from yesterday was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. Without mentioning President Obama's name, he stated that the USA needs to withdrawal all support of any kind from Israel and apologise to the Iranian people for all of the negative things this country has said about Iran.
Fat chance buddy!

Finally, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden let it be known that if the USA removed its forces from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately and destroyed Israel, that would be proof that the USA was a friend to the Muslim world.
Nothing like thinking you can dictate world policy from a cave somewhere in the middle of no where.

As time progresses we will see how the Obama Administration deals with the Middle East. Obama is to meet with Secretary of Defense Gates and the Joint Chiefs later today to no doubt discuss Iraq and Afghanistan and the preparedness of the USA military to continue war operations indefinitely. With the current financial situation just how much can be spent to arm and support our troops in combat?

Reports are that a new group has started trouble in Gaza and the Israeli military has reacted. George Mitchell was in Egypt yesterday and Israel today. This new outbreak could mean that he will not get to the West Bank or Gaza, what will that mean for any peace accord?

We will continue to wait and watch to see just what real changes the Obama Administration will bring to USA foreign policy.

Let's see if the Obama team is up to really bringing about a lasting peace.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Road Trip

President Obama took a road trip today to visit the men and women on Capital Hill. He went specifically to visit the Republican men and women and sell them on his stimulus plan. Now according to his press secretary, the president went to hear what the senators and congress people had to say, but the truth of the matter is he went to make a sell, because as bad financial continues to come in, Obama needs to do something dramatic, or his presidency is doomed to a downward spiral.

It will be interesting to see what effect, if any, the president's visit had on the members of Congress. Tomorrow the House votes, we'll see what happens.

I understand that details of the stimulus package are going to be available on the Internet. I recommend that all of us take the time to see just where our money is going. If you aren't happy about the money's destination, then let your representatives know. Its our money, we should have a say in how it gets spent.

A side note. In his first day as Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner released $386 million dollars to 23 banks. It part of the initial stimulus from the Bush Administration. Let's see if these banks use the money for the good of the people, or if it disappears just like the initial $350 billion did. Accountability Secretary Geithner, we better see accountability!!

Finally, our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is informing Iran that they now have an opportunity to deal with the nations of the world. Who gave her permission to say that?

I am not a fan of the be nice and friendly to Iran mentality. They are a repressive government who want to see us, Israel and most of Europe taken out as soon as possible. Let's maintain the sanctions, let's be ready to blow up any nuclear reactor they build, and let's remind them we haven't forgotten those hostages of the 70's.

I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's philosophy of walk softly and carry a big stick. Iran should remember we still have the big stick.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Financial Crisis Continues

Approximately 50,000 workers are being laid off by some of the big names - Caterpillar, Home Depot, GM (again), Sprint and some others. Obama wants his stimulus package passed and is going to meet with the Republican leadership tomorrow in an attempt to sell them on the plan.

Of course the Republicans did not come out and vote for Tim Geithner, who won 60 to 34 (who are the six missing votes?) to be Secretary of the Treasury. We already know I am not pleased with the choice, but he's in, so all we can do is hope he lives up to the hype Obama gave him.

Hopefully he will be able to tell what happened to the first 350 billion given to Wall Street and the Banks, before he gives out the second 350 billion, not to mention the final 850 billion Obama is fighting for.

Seems there should be much better controls over so much money. Let's see if the Democrats do better than the Republicans.

It appears that Obama's first 100 days are going to be a lot more shaky than he ever imagined.
All we can do is hope that he and his team call the right shots and get things rolling positively again.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Collateral Damage

Once again the US military is being criticized by President Karzai and the citizens of Afghanistan for the murder of innocent civilians. The official US report is that the fifteen killed were all militants, including a girl armed with an RPG. The Afghans are reporting at least two women and three children were among the dead. These deaths of innocents are referred to as collateral damage in reports, rather than we screwed up and killed the wrong people.

No doubt during the week ahead the numbers will change from both sides. The sad truth of the matter is that in this war in Afghanistan, as it was during much of the war in Viet Nam, the enemy does not wear a uniform and is often part of the local populace. Civilians are going to pay the price and the question is at what cost?

President Karzai is up for recollection later this year. The Obama Administration will need to decide if the USA will continue to support Karzai, or if it is time to support someone stronger and more dynamic. Of course, the truth is the Afghan people are the ones who need to make the decision. The US goal is to get bin Laden and destroy Al Queda, we should not be controlling elections or making national decisions for other countries.

After doing some reading on the Taliban, I for one do not understand why any country would want to be ruled by a group of ignorant militants who have such a narrow and misconceived religious view. However, all reports are that the Taliban is on the rise. Now it could be because of the religious schools that only males attend that spew out fanatical garbage, but unless main stream Afghans can get their act together, it is a real possibility that the Taliban will be back in power.

For the time being all we can do is watch what the Obama Administration does. How soon will more troops be made available to the Afghanistan effort? What is the overall vision for Afghanistan? If we get bin Laden will we abandon Afghanistan like we did when they drove the Soviets out?

A lot of questions with no answers. Let's hope that action is taken in the near future before we are in an even bigger mess.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama's Diplomatic Team

I was pleasantly surprised when Obama named Richard Holbrook and George Mitchell to be special envoys to two of the most troubled spots in the world. These are old pros at the diplomatic game, and more importantly, they both have no problem speaking their opinion. They are definitely not "yes" men and it will be interesting to see if Hillary Clinton's State Department is truly going to be open to discussion and debate.

Another interesting thing I found out this week was about the tunnels in Gaza. I thought they were all about HAMAS. Well, I was wrong. Turns out they are offshoots of economic necessity and capitalism. Although HAMAS uses the tunnels to bring in supplies - like missiles and other weapons - business men in Gaza also bring in supplies to fill their stores. They pay the owner of the tunnel for bringing in their merchandise.

While the tunnels are being built, workers receive $200.00 a week, a pretty good wage for that part of the world.

So the question is, what will happen to the tunnels if Israel opens the crossings and allows commerce to flow at normal levels? The merchants will no longer need the tunnels. HAMAS will.
It will be interesting to see if tunnel owners raise their price when they are down to one client. Of course it appears that Iran is supplying HAMAS with unlimited funds, but eventually they are going to want some kind of "bang" for their buck.

If George Mitchell can work with the Israelis, Palestinians and Egyptians to insure that the West Bank and Gaza are allowed to trade like a free country and Egypt becomes diligent in patrolling their side of the tunnels, HAMAS may lose whatever face and power they had in Gaza and the legitimate Palestinian government can take control.

As for Richard Holbrook, Afghanistan and Pakistan are going to be real challenges. We wise him luck.

These first decisions by Obama appear impressive, let's hope that he continues to make the right moves for the good of all of us.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Letter to the Senate on Tim Geithner

Hillary is the new Secretary of State. Let's see how she does.

Many believe that regardless of his past transgressions, Tim Geithner is the right person to be the Secretary of the Treasury. I do not agree. Once an evader and liar, always an evader and liar. I sent the following letter last night to my senators. I believe we can do better,

As always feel free to use all or any part of the letter in contacting your representatives.
It is our job to make sure the promised "changes" are the ones we think are best for our country.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator

I am asking that you do not vote in favor of Tim Geithner becoming the next Secretary of the Treasury. He has already proven himself to be a liar, a manipulator and a schemer. The person who is selected to any cabinet position should at least pass the initial tests of honesty and integrity. Mr. Geithner has already failed.

How will he inspire us, when we know he believes it's alright to cheat on your taxes? His idea of disclosure is to hide everything.

This is not the person we need to lead our nation to economic recovery.

Find us someone with honor and integrity.

Find us someone better than Tim Geithner.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

Barack Obama was sworn in as the 44Th president of our country. It was done with pomp, circumstance and a lot of class, as well as diversity. His speech was moving, not a classic, but one for this time, which hopefully is a sign that he is interested in the here and now and not how history will judge him at some later date.

He and Michele played to the crowd and really enjoyed their day, as was their right. Tomorrow business begins and their is a lot on his table. Actually, I feel sorry for the man because so many are placing so much on his shoulders. Unfortunately the majority of the people and the press have played him up to be some kind of superman, a role that will be very difficult to play.

Its like everyone forgets that the president does not act alone. Like him or not, George Bush did not act alone. The majority of Congress approved everything he asked for. There is moaning and groaning now, but the facts are clear - George Bush was not a dictator, Congress went along for the ride.

Now we will have to see if Congress goes along for the ride with Barack.

A final note. I was really impressed with how the Bush's greeted the Obamas, and how they took their leave of DC. Laura made it clear in earlier interviews that she did not like what Obama had said about her husband, but she remained a lady. I wish them well in their new life.

America has plenty of problems but a day like today helps us remember that we can come together as one, and if we put aside our prejudices and bickering, we can accomplish anything.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Martin Luther King Jr

Today we remember the life and sacrifice of Martin Luther King, and the others who participated in the Civil Rights Movement in our country. With the inauguration of the first biracial president, it appears that part of Dr. King's dream has come true.

Unfortunately, this country still has a long way to go in terms of racial, sexual, gender, and religious equality. Most of us still have our prejudices regarding those around us in one form or another.

Perhaps today is a good day to sit back, be honest about our prejudices and evaluate if they are based on fact, fear or ignorance.

Now is the time to confront our prejudices, deal with them, and make ourselves open, honest, caring and sharing people. If the country is to be truly one, it will only happen if we believe all of those around us are entitled to same rights and freedoms as ourselves.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Letter to Congress regarding Stimulus 2

In talking with a co-worker this week they mentioned they did not understand why people were talking about raising taxes or asking for loans from foreign countries, when in all probablity the money could be found in the current budget, give the government was held accountable for their spending.

Believe there is some validity to that and decided to ask my representatives just what was being done within government to control wastful spending. I also sent a copy of the letter to, a website Obama's transition team is using for ideas.
As always feel free to us all or any of this letter in contacting your representaives.
They work for us, they need to give us answers.
Its Common Sense!

On Tuesday President Obama begins his new administration and we all know that his top priority is getting the economy back on track. He proposes a stimulation package that has a price tag somewhere between $800 billion and $1 trillion. We have heard a lot of deficit verses surplus, but there has not been a lot of talk regarding the overall American debt if this stimulus passes. Will we owe creditors $10 or $11 trillion dollars? What are the payback terms? What are the interest rates? What is the burden for my great grandchildren?

To pass the stimulus the USA will have to once again borrow from foreign nations, notably China, who I think we are becoming too dependent upon. In addition, we are going to have to start talking about raising taxes, not lowering them.Before either step is taken, if the President and Congress are serious about fiscal responsibility and everyone doing their part, then I think the first place we should look for the funding is within the Federal Government itself.

We all know about the wasteful spending that goes on in government. Agencies giving large amounts of overtime to employees who are no rated based on production and accuracy and who are pretty much free to do what they want. If employees are held to task, most of these overtime dollars would not be needed.

Everyone knows that the Defense Department abuses its budget no end. All of these contracts where the contractors never produced the final product with the money they bid. Instead they always are over budget. I believe now is the time to hold all contractors working for the government to live up to their contracts. If they cannot perform the task at the price they quoted, then the problem is theirs, not the American taxpayer.

Honest bids for honest work. No more coming back and expecting additional money because they erred when making their bid. These are professionals who know what they are doing, its time to stop them from milking the national purse.

Congress itself needs to look at the money being spent there. Are all these foreign junkets really necessary? Congress needs to lead the way in tightening the belt.Does Congress's health care plan cost the same as that offered to Federal employees? If it costs more and has better coverage, then it should be given to all Federal workers, or, better yet, Congress should be covered like the rest of Federal employees - more savings.

Before our country goes hat in hand, let's trim government spending and see just how much money is available with a fiscally responsible government. Let's hold all departments responsible for what they spend and let them justify how their money is used.Legitimate needs stay covered, frills go out the door.

Do not vote to raise (beg) additional money until you know how much the government can provide itself by spending responsibly.

The initial stimulus package that Congress told us would do so much, has thus far produced no positive results and has only raised more doubts and questions.

Before you allow Congress to commit to an even greater burden on the people, make sure you have done everything to use the funds already available before reaching out for more.

Thank you,Michael Wolfe

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inauguration Security

I saw an article that states there will be approximately 40,000 security personnel present at the Inauguration on Tuesday. Its a mix of law enforcement and military. It is more than all of the troops the USA currently has stationed in Afghanistan.

I find it sad that on this historic moment, whether you like or don't like, voted or didn't vote for Obama, the fact of the matter is that for America to have its first biracial president is a big deal. (The same would be for any first - woman, Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Gay,.etc)

However, the fear of some terrorist attack is overshadowing everything. Unfortunately I think the fear is more from home grown white supremacy groups as opposed to international terrorist at this point.

My hope is that knowledge of all the security will be threat enough and the terrorists will stay home. (Hopefully they won't want to go out in the cold.)

Today it begins with the train ride from Philly. Let's all pray that it all goes well. (We can complain about the expense next week.)

With a new start coming, it is imperative that we communicate with our representatives what we will and will not accept from this new administration.

I will give you some ideas in future editions.

Stay warm this weekend, watch the proceedings, and think what you want the new president to do for you. After all he's our employee - let's put him to work.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obama's Cabinet

Before I make some comments on President-elect Obama's cabinet picks I just want to say farewell to Ricardo Monteblam. My generation will always remember the Chrysler Cordoba with "Corinthian Leather", not to mention Mr Rourke waiting for "Da plane, da plane, boss."
All reports are that he was a true gentleman. His kind were rare, and they are getting rarer.

Now about the cabinet. Richardson is out, Hillary does not want to disclose the names of the foreign contributors to Billy's charity, Senate Arlen Specter and a few others want more details of just what role Eric Holder had in the pardons Bill Clinton gave at the end of his second term, and Tim Geithner did not know he was suppose to pay taxes, Social Security and Medicare when he work for the International Money Fund. (IMF). Not to mention the legally of his hired help.
Please. Geithner is to be the Secretary of the Treasury, the man in charge of the IRS. If he does not know when to pay his taxes, how should I?

Of course we all know they will get confirmed, just like Roland Burris. This Congress talks tough but thus far has displayed very little backbone.

They are moaning and groaning about releasing the 2nd $350 billion because the first half has not been well monitored. They should have put the monitors in place initially. They can still do it, what is their problem?

Obama and change. Where is it? He's bringing members of the Washington gang back to DC in one form or another. Where are the fresh new faces? Where are the fresh ideas?

Thus far I am not impressed. His first Hundred Days better be dynamic or a lot of people are going to be disappointed and let down.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama's Train Ride

On January 17 President-elect Obama and his family will address an event in Philadelphia. They will then board a train, proceed to Wilmington, Delaware and pick up the Biden entourage, then proceed to Baltimore for another event and finally reach Washington DC.

According to the press release, Obama is taking the trip for all those who cannot attend the Inauguration. Trust me, anyone between Philly and DC who want to be there will figure out a way to be present.

Obama wants to remember Lincoln's journey to DC. He would do well to remember that a mob almost took out Lincoln in Baltimore.

Regardless if it is a positive symbolic gesture or not, the truth of the matter is that it is one more expense the American tax payer does not need to carry. How much will security cost for this train ride? What inconveniences will those along the route have to suffer?

Why not leave well enough alone? Obama is in DC, he should stay and get ready for the battles to come. There is no need to tempt some loony by riding on a train that passes chemical plants.

What is he thinking? His security people surely pointed out the risks. His economic people should have pointed out the cost.

Barack Obama campaigned to bring change. As we get closer to his Inauguration it looks more and more like the same old thing. An ego trip ignoring all of those around him.

American needs a leader. Due to our current situation, Obama is going to need to start off running and deliver big and for the long time if he is going to be successful.

He does not know it all, he needs his advisers and he needs to listen to the people. The last thing we need is some who sees himself as a demi-god.

Americans are tolerant, but only up to a point.

This time promises were made that the people actually expect the President to keep. If he fails, his days will be numbered.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oversight (Line Veto)

Senate Leader Harry Reid is going to have a vote today on a bill to provide several billion to expand national wildlife areas. From the brief description of the bill that I read it appears like a good thing. Of course, if you go to the details you find there is a road to no where proposed for a national park in Alaska. There are funds to save 500 salmon in California and no doubt other special entitlements that certain senators want.

In the same vein, Obama wants Bush to get Congress to release the last $350 billion of the initial bailout package. Because there are questions as to how the first half was used, Congress may dragged their feet until they set up a better system of oversight.

I believe that for any of these proposal to have good initial oversight the best thing to have is a presidential line veto. This is one thing I always agreed with John McCain about. Let the president cut out the greedy entitlements. Congress can set up the oversight group once the law is enacted and the funds made available. By allowing the president to cut the pork right at the beginning hopefully Congress will be forced to carefully consider money requests and limit themselves to entitlements that actually were for the general good of the public, as opposed for the good of few wealthy contributors.

This looks like something we should promote to our representatives.

Do you agree, or do you think the system is so corrupt we can never change it?

If we give up we let them win. If we fight, even if we lose, we know that our principals stand firm.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Common Sense (1776)

January 10, 1776 is when Thomas Paine of the Virginia Colony printed the pamphlet "Common Sense", explaining why the American colonies no longer needed to be dependent on England.

Ironic, isn't it, that today we have allowed the USA to become dependent on foreign energy sources and foreign capital to run our government and companies. Just how independent are we today? Can the USA stand alone?

Now I know the early government received loans from France and Holland and a few other countries. It appears we have always needed some kind of foreign money. But how long should it continue and how dependent do we want to become?

As the Obama economic team lays out their plan all I see are big $$$$ coming from outside and putting us in a situation where our beliefs and ethics could be put in doubt. After all, we have cut back on talking about China's human rights violations because the government wants the money.
What other compromises will we make for money?

All of us need to reflect on what our true needs are and just what sacrifices we are willing to make.

When all is said and done, we all have to look in the mirror in the morning - are you pleased with the inner person you are looking at?

If not, make the changes so you can be pleased.

Its Common sense!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

White House China

Gaza is in flames, the economy is a mess, Congress is confused, and Laura Bush wants to leave behind $485,000.00 worth of new china in the White House. Okay, tax dollars did not pay for the dishes, some private foundation put the funding together, but come on. Aren't there better things a half million dollars can be spent on?

I am really disappointed in Laura. I always believed she was the smart one in that couple and to do this makes me wonder. Schools are firing teachers and cutting out programs. Education is suppose to be her passion, so why not get funds to help schools, especially schools in inner cities that are desperate for additional funding?

Its true I have never been to a State Dinner, and I probably never will get to one, but aren't there some nice inexpensive dishes people can eat off of? (Dixie Paper plates come to mind.)

The Bush legacy just gets worse and worse.

Let's see what else Bush can do in the next two weeks to make us shudder even more.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Will the Obama Administration have a honeymoon period? The way the week is shaping up that might turn out to a dream Obama will never see.

When Obama chose Leon Panetta to head the CIA he forgot to confer with Senator Diane Feinstein of California, the chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Talk about a slap in the face. You would think that Feinstein just might have had a few suggestions for the person to run US intelligence, other than a former president's chief of staff. (Where are the new faces and changes Obama promised? More and more it is looking like the same old story and same "old" faces.)

Evidently irked by being ignored, Senator Feinstein decided that she had no problem with Roland Burris being seated as the junior senator of Illinois, an act that irked her Democrat brethren. I guess this is her way of letting Obama know she is not someone to be played with.

As for Roland Burris, we will see how it plays out. Being from a small town outside the city of Baltimore Maryland I found it interesting that one of Burris' attorneys is Kurt Schmook (never could spell his last name correctly) a former Baltimore mayor. According to Kurt the law is on Burris' side. We'll just have to see if the law means anything.

Harry Reid asked Norm to concede the Minnesota election and let Al move to DC. Norm has filed a suit in court, so it will be some time before we know what will happen in the land of lakes.

If the Democrats want to sell Obama's economic package, they better get their act together and become unified or at least put on a united front and do their bickering behind close doors. This is a time when Americans need to see a strong government, not a bunch of cat fights.

We'll watch as the next couple of weeks progress. Is it possible the members of Congress can put aside their petty squabbles, their greed and their desire to be on camera to actually work for the good of the American public?

I saw an interesting comment this evening on one of the news shows. The 2008 Congress had one of the lowest approval ratings of all time, and still over 90% of the incumbents were reelected.

What does that say about us? Are we as afraid of change as the DC gang is?

Apathy has brought us here, continued apathy can only take us further down.

Is that what we want? Is that the legacy we want to give our children?

Get off your butts and be heard!!!

Its Common Sense!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Fighting continues in Gaza, with Palestinian civilians taking a heavy toll. Neither side wants to talk cease-fire - the Israel military is slowly but surely gaining ground and Hamas continues to defiantly fire missiles into Israel. Both talk about the innocent civilians, but the sad truth of the matter is that neither side really cares about innocent civilians, because if they did a cease fire would be in effect.

Both sides are committed to achieving their goals. Israel, to insure their country will never be threatened from Gaza again and Hamas, showing the world that they will not be dictated to by their enemy.

For both to achieve their goals, the Palestinian citizens of Gaza have to pay the price. As all too often is the case, when zealots and radicals meet, innocents pay the price.

I do not understand why the United Nations has not gotten off its butt and sent in a peace keeping force, that will actually keep the the peace and hold both sides accountable to the agreement made in 2007. The peace keepers should have the right to take the necessary action to enforce the peace.

Okay, I know that our own beloved country is one of the reasons no peace keepers have been sent. George W believes Hamas is guilty because of their rocket attacks on Israel and I agree. I believe that as soon as Hamas broke the peace agreement, UN peace keepers should have entered Gaza and sealed the smuggling tunnels, arrest the Hamas militants responsible for the violations and allowed life to continue as normal as possible.

Of course that did not happen. The world had to wait until the situation escalated out of control and then were forced into calling for a cease fire.

The United Nations is a good idea in theory, but it has allowed itself to become so bogged down with politics, diplomacy and keeping face, that it has failed as an institution for international peace. To be effective, the UN has to be pro-active, anticipate the problem and act. Coming in after the fact will always be too little too late.

If the UN had sent peace keepers in six months ago, there would be no need for the massive relief effort that will be needed once the Israeli troops return home.

Death and destruction could have been avoided if the UN had acted quickly and effectively.

That's my opinion. Now, maybe I am hoping for too much from the UN, maybe I am a dreamer and not a realist, at least in this situation.

What should the UN do? How should they act? When should they step into a crisis?

Let your voices be heard.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Ask the Senate about the Stimulus Package

After writing the blog yesterday I decided that I should followup and send a letter to my representatives in hopes of getting some answers regarding how the stimulus package will be financed and just what is really going to happen with taxes. A copy of the letter follows.

As always, feel free to use all or any part of the letter to contact your representatives in hopes of getting answers from them.

We need to let those who represent us know we are not sheep who will passively go where ever they say. Our voices need to be heard and our desires respected.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator
I understand that on Monday January 5, 2009 President-elect Obama is scheduled to meet with congressional leaders to discuss a stimulus plan he wants waiting for his approval on January 20.
The stimulus package will cost around $800 billion dollars.
Where is the money coming from? Is the plan to increase our international debt? What interest rate will we be paying? What deals will the USA be making with China for the money or at least part of the money?
Then the question about taxes has to be raised. I know President-elect Obama has promised not to increase personal income taxes, but what about other taxes?
I read that both at the federal and state levels the plan is to increase gasoline taxes by at least 50%. Will that kind of increase also be added to electronics, telephones, automobiles, travel, lodging, etc?
We Americans are not stupid. We know the government needs money to run its programs. What we want is an honest explanation as to how the government plans to raise the money.
Do not boast that you did not raise my personal income tax when you raised the tax on everything I buy. A tax is a tax, a tax increase is a tax increase.
Be honest and tell us where and when the increases will occur. Better we pay additional taxes than stay indebted to China forever.
Tell us the plan - the whole plan.
Let's start this new Democratic Administration with a fresh concept - total honesty for the American public. Tell us the truth, let us know what we have to do, what burden we have to accept, lay it all out for us. Forget the lies, forget the smoke and mirrors - honesty - let that be the watch word of the Obama Administration and the Democratic Congress.
Now is the time to set the example for the world, show what true democracy really is all about.
Thank You.
Michael Wolfe

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Obama's Stimulus Plan

President-elect Obama meets Monday with high ranking Congressional leaders from both parties to push his stimulus plan so that it will be on his desk for signature on Inauguration Day. My understanding is that the stimulus package will cost close to $800 billion. Included are tax breaks, loans for states, and the creation of infrastructure jobs of one kind or another.

Sounds nice. Of course the question is - where the hell is money coming from? It sounds good that Obama continues to promise to lower personal income taxes. But, the reality is that to pay for any stimulus package, the money has to come from somewhere.

Unfortunately that means the USA will be going out with hat in hand in getting loans at ridiculous interest rates from foreign countries. How deep in debt do we want to be to the Chinese?

We will eventually have to pay the debt. So, if personal income taxes aren't raised, other taxes will be. Already there is talk that Federal government and State governments are planning to increase the gasoline tax by at least fifty percent. After all, people were willing to pay almost $4.00 a gallon, so if the price of gas is down they figure to raise taxes to bring the overall cost back up to $4.00 a gallon.

What about "luxury" items? In addition to tobacco, alcohol, and certain kinds of foods, where else could taxes be raised?

Have you ever looked at your phone bill and realized you are paying a luxury tax for using the phone? When telephones were initially used, they were considered a luxury item for the well to do and were taxed. Even after the phone became part of everyday life for everyone, the luxury tax remained. Don't be surprised to see that tax raised, along with taxes on any variety of electronic equipment.

Other places taxes could be increased are on automobiles - again at both federal and state levels -, travel - air, rail, water -, lodging and dining.

Before we get all excited about "tax cuts" let's find out just where the taxes are going to be cut and where they are going to be increased.

President-elect Obama needs a plan to raise $800 billion for his stimulus. Let's ask for some straight answers. Let's not be faked out by a lot of smoke and mirrors.

Its our future and our money - let's get the facts.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, January 2, 2009

To Seat or not to Seat, that is the Question!

To seat or not to seat Roland Burris of Illinois? - will be the question facing the US Senate on Monday January 5, 2009. What a way to get things started in the new year. Who would have thought that Barack Obama's replacement would end up being an individual of controversy, regardless of color, sex or religion?

In my opinion the Illinois Governor should have bowed gracefully out of the picture based on his recent indictment, and allowed the state legislature to appoint an individual to carry out what was left of Obama's US Senate term. Of course that did not happen, and now we are faced with what will probably turn out to be a mess.

I hope that Mr Burris does not use the race card when his right to be seated is questioned. Anyone following the news knows that whoever Blago selected was going to be rejected, regardless of their credentials and qualifications. In truth, Blago could have selected Michelle Obama and even she would not be accepted.

Monday the USA will once again be on the world stage and we can only hope that the gang in Washington will act with dignity and decorum and that things will not turn into an ugly name calling brawl.

Illinois needs to get its house in order. The State Supreme Court and Legislature need to move now to take over and control the situation to avoid becoming an international laughing stock.

What does this tell the world about Illinois politics? What questions will this raise about Barack Obama's quick rise to the US Senate and his supporters for his presidential campaign? Will the world conclude that the USA is just as bad and corrupt as anywhere else and has no right to consider itself a world leader any longer? What will happen to the world view Obama was hoping to create?

A lot of things to consider. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out on Monday.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Necessities of Life

Last night around 7pm we lost our water. I called the Public Works Department and was informed that the high winds that had been blowing all day had knocked out the power lines for the pumping station that supplies water for my area. I thought it strange that they did not have a back up gas or diesel generator and it is something I will look into. We went to the a grocery store that was still opened and with several others bought water to take home, because no one was offering a time when the station would be pumping. Around 1am the power was restored and the water is once again flowing.

As is so often the case, it is not until you are missing something that you realize how accustomed you are to having it every day of your life. Electricity, running water, sewage control. trash collection, all things the majority of us take for granted and when we lose them we go into a panic.

I wonder what it is like for those in the United States who do not have those "necessities" on a regular basis. I am not talking about people who have been cut off due to not paying their bills, I am talking about those in remote areas, Indian Reservations, and slum tenements who are ignored by society and the government in general.

President-elect Obama should make one of his priorities to insure that all Americans have access to the "necessities". Plans need to be developed to assist those who currently are facing financial difficulties in paying their bills. Availability to all the "necessities" should be a priority. After all in important areas such as this, all Americans have the right to be treated equally.

No one should be deprived of the basic "necessities". They are very persons' right in a nation that is supposedly the leader of the world. Equal rights for all, and it needs to start here at home.

Its Common Sense!