Wednesday, October 8, 2008

2nd Presidential Debate

Last night was the second of the three presidential debates. I like the town hall format. I think it would have been better if the questions had not been screened and if the candidates could have talked and responded to one another without worrying about time restraints. They repeated a lot of the same material from the first debate and really had very little new to offer. Once again they were very weak on specifics, although both of them do not seem to realize their is an economic crisis because they both want to spend, spend, spend. Where is the money coming from?

McCain with his "I know how to do this." never explained how he was going to do anything, except buy more bad mortgage loans. I thought we had that covered in the $700 billion, evidently there is still more money they want us to spend. This is turning into a nightmare that will never end.

For his part Obama liked repeating things. I wish he would have explained his tax plan in specifics. Like will the 95% under $250,000.00 all get the same tax break, or will the lower income rung of the 95% do better than the upper rung of the 95%

Both of them could have offered more specifics on energy independence. Both of them should talk with T. Boone Pickins. Maybe he should be the Secretary of Energy. I would have liked to hear just where and when the nuclear power plants were going to be, when would wind technology get moving, how soon could our reserves of natural gas be tapped and made available? How long would it take for our automobile industry to convert engines for natural gas, and how long would it take for gas stations to switch from liquid to gas?

(An aside. Since Ford has already asked for a loan, Chrysler has always been on shaky ground, and GM can't be far behind, should the American car companies join ranks and begin producing one excellent small car, an excellent sedan, an excellent station wagon and an excellent SUV, all in a decent price range and maybe offer some serious competition to their Asian and European competitors?)

McCain showed some passion speaking on foreign affairs and Obama showed a little spunk when he defended himself against some of McCain's accusations.

Over all, once again I was disappointed . I believe the majority of the media gave Obama a victory but the reality is that neither man showed much of anything. Unfortunately, neither man appeared presidential or gave me a feeling that they were the one to lead my country.

I spoke with one of my aunts yesterday, an elegant lady in her late eighties who told me she had received her absentee ballot and that in the column under the presidential candidates she looked for the box that said "None of the above"

I agree with her. For a country as great as we are, I cannot understand why we cannot find a charismatic man or woman to lead us out of the mess we are in.

When was the last time you heard one of the candidates say something that really inspired you and made you want to get out and make your country a better place.

Sarah Palin is drawing record crowds not because she is charismatic but rather because she is so different from the Washington crowd that regardless of how little she knows and now inexperienced she is, she is still a refreshing change. I found it interesting that some of the commentators are saying the Republican ticket should read Palin / McCain if they want to close up the standing in the polls. Does this mean I want Sarah Palin near the White House? Heavens no, but the fact is we all want and deserve something better that what we are being offered.

One more debate next week. I have no high hopes, but maybe, just maybe we'll get some specifics.

Remember to write your senators and congressional representatives and demand that AIG give the loan money back - especially the $440,000.00 spent at the spa.

As I have stated in the past, let's vote out all of the incumbents and bring in a fresh team. They sure can't do any worse and maybe they can do better since they aren't corrupt (yet).

Pay attention, read, get the facts.

Its Common Sense.

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