Monday, May 25, 2009

Congress & Chinese Human Rights

Nancy Pelosi leads a Congressional delegation visit to Shanghai and Beijing. Senator Kerry is also in China and Treasury Secretary Geithner will be there soon to assure the Chinese government that the US dollar will remain strong and they have nothing to worry about their loans being secure.

Due to our country's dependency on Chinese loans, talk of China's poor stand on human rights is being shuffled to the sidelines. Pelosi, once an outspoken critic of China's human rights violations, especially after Tienanmen Square and what is occurring in Tibet, has remained remarkably silent.

Have the Democrats, the party of the people, decided they have to stay quiet because they are desperate for Chinese loan money to finance all of their programs? Are railroads from Disneyland to Las Vegas more important than people having rights to their basic needs?

The past couple of weeks have shown Pelosi in a very weak light. She seems confused about what she knew and when she knew about CIA interrogation techniques. (We'll debate the use of torture in another post.)

As the leader of the Congress, Pelosi is coming across more and more as weak and indecisive. Once upon a time she had strong opinions she was committed to and whether I agreed or not, at least I could respect her commitments. Now she has become wishy-washy and my fear is the Democratic Congress is heading in the same direction because the priority is getting money to spend, spend, spend and give the appearance that they are solving the country's financial crisis.

I think they are blowing smoke. Giving more billions to GM, who will still declare bankruptcy is a waste. Companies need to fend for themselves, that's how capitalism works.

Let's get back to the best American principal, defending the weak and those who can not speak for themselves. Let's help the little guy. Let's defend human rights.

Its Common Sense!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Credit Cards and Guns

Yesterday I saw where Congress passed a bill regarding credit card consumer protection. In the middle of the bill is an amendment to allow people to carry conceal weapons in National Parks and Wildlife Refugees if they have a permit from their state.

What bothers me about this is that the amendment is buried in the middle of a totally unrelated bill. I know this is business as usual for the Hill, but it ticks me off. This is why we need a line item veto. I sent off the following missive to my representatives and will be curious to see their response.

My point is I think things need to be out in the open for open discussion, not hidden in the shadows or depths because of a fear of controversy. Let's be open about the laws and reforms we want, not cowards hiding as far behind the scenes as possible.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator,
I have tried to read the legislation regarding consumer protection concerning credit cards, and I am totally puzzled by an amendment in the middle that regards carrying firearms in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. What has that got to do with consumer protection? Why is it necessary to try and hide such legislation in the middle of something totally unrelated?
Unfortunately this appears to be our "representatives" at their worse, appeasing NRA lobbyist, rather than looking out for the concerns of the American public.
To the best of my knowledge, hunting is forbidden in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. There have been no reports of any terrorist attacks in any National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges. So, no one should feel threatened.
In states that allow the citizens to go around armed with concealed weapons and automatic military weapons in the trunks of their cars, law enforcement is also armed and able to respond if one of these so called "responsible" citizens get out of hand.
Are park rangers in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges armed? If a weapon carrying citizen decides to see if they can kill an elk by the road in Yellowstone Park with their .45 Glock, are the park rangers trained to deal with the situation?
It appears that Congress has decided that the whole country would prosper if we return to an Old West mentality, only this time citizens will not be carrying .45 Peacemakers, but rather M16 and AK47 assault rifles.
This amendment, by the numbers on Capital Hill who voted in favor of it, show the power of the NRA lobby in D.C. How many body bags are necessary before you folks on the Hill realize we are not 18th century pioneers on the edge of the wilderness, and that the firearms people own are not for hunting game, but for killing one another?
This shows the importance of allowing the President the right to have a line item veto. As long as Senators and Congressional Representatives want to hide their dirty work (after all how are credit card protection and weapon carrying in National Parks and National Wildlife Refuges related?) the President should be able to select the parts of bill that are credible and dump the bunk.
Finally, did you vote in favor of this legislation? Have you or are you proposing legislation that will allow the President a line item veto?
Thank you.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Change in Afghanistan

Two new generals are being sent to lead the USA's efforts in Afghanistan. President Obama has stated that this is a war that can not be lost. We have all heard that line in the past. Now we will have to see what happens.

History tells us that no foreign nation has ever been a long term conquerer in Afghanistan. I know the plan is to work with the Afghan government and NATO allies, but the question is, can this coalition defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban?

In one way things are looking hopeful. The Pakistan government, out of fear and necessity has been forced to move against the Taliban invaders who took over the Swat Valley and were beginning to march towards Islamabad. Regardless of what you think of what is happening in that part of the world, none of us want the Taliban to have access to nuclear weapons.

Now we will have to watch and see if the new strategy will prove to be effective.

At the same time we need to help the Afghan economy, education and drive towards democracy. We need to bring the feuding warlords to a peace table and work out an effective and profitable deal for everyone. We have to make the country stable, then we can work on making it secure.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Congressman Ruppersberger on Energy

I just received a letter from Congressman Ruppersberger about energy conservation. I do not find a lot of substance. It appears to me that all he is trying to do is appease the voters by offering some credits, but is offering nothing concrete.
See what he has to say and see if you agree with me that once again Congress is blowing hot air and getting us nowhere.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

This letter acknowledges receipt of your communication regarding our nation's need for clean, renewable energy.
The energy crisis has sparked a renewed debate in Congress about the direction of our country's energy policies. Our national energy policy is advancing into a new direction to include more research and development of domestic, renewable sources of energy. This is an important step toward making our country energy independent and addressing climate change.
While clean, domestic, renewable energy is important, we also have to provide our citizens with practical tools to help them become energy efficient so that they may save money and reduce their carbon footprint.
The recently passed American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which I supported, expands the Section 25C tax credit for the purchase of qualified energy efficient improvements in existing homes. It eliminates a $200 per-window credit cap and replaces it with a broader $1,500 credit for windows and other energy-efficient improvements. I believe this will help homeowners save on their energy costs, and help create more jobs and help protect the environment.
Congress is working to move our energy policy in the right direction, but we still have a long way to go. I support the research, development, and production of domestic renewable energy sources along with increased energy-efficient products for homes and businesses. We must take a pro-active role in addressing global warming, and we also need to find ways to move our country away from imported oil and natural gas. I support policies that will help create a new energy economy.
I appreciate hearing your views on this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future if you have any questions or comments. To receive additional information about issues that are facing Congress, Maryland and the Nation that may affect you and your community, please visit my website at and sign up for my periodic e-mail newsletter.

Monday, May 4, 2009


President Obama has announced a plan to close loopholes in the tax process. He also plans on making US companies who have outsourced production to higher taxes. He even is planning on getting more information out of the tax havens around the world.

Sounds good. But is there any reality to his plan? Will Congress actually pass an enforceable bill with teeth that will harm their sponsors? What happens if the corporations simply start donating to the next guy or gal they can buy and the incumbent fades away at the next election?

Where is the plan to hold Congress accountable? They are spending like wild men/women right now and let's face it, that budget was full of a lot of Democratic pork. The President should get some laws on the books that makes Congress accountable, then go after business America. As long as Congress is allowed to let the right hand do one thing and the left hand another, corporate America will never be held accountable.

Its time we the people make Congress represent us and not the corporations. We are the majority, its about time they started acting in our best interests.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Senator Mikulski on Credit Card Debt

Recently I vented about how banks/credit card companies were raising their interest rates in an attempt to have us the consumer pay back the money the banks had "borrowed" from us. Sounds like a scam to me. I wrote to my senators and congressman, wanting to know what Capital Hill is going to do to protect.

Senator Mikulski is the first to respond. After you read her response let me know if you think she has a clue about what is going on. Seems to me that she is on another planet.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about credit cards practices. I appreciate hearing from you about this important issue.

I have always been a strong advocate for consumers and want to see that consumers are protected from unfair or abusive practices. I know that some businesses take advantage of their customers, charge confusing or unfair fees, and don't disclose sufficient information.

You'll be glad to know that, because of legislation that Congress passed last year (P.L. 109-8), credit card statements are required to include more information about how long it will take to pay off the balance by only making the minimum payment. Unfortunately, many credit cards have required a minimum payment so low that it would take decades to pay off a credit card balance. I believe it is important for consumers to have as much information as possible. Letting consumers know how long it will take to pay off a credit card gives them the ability to make informed decisions about their financial future.

I want to see fair treatment for consumers in all business transactions, and the credit card marketplace is no different. Your suggestions for changes to current credit card laws are very helpful to me. I will keep these suggestions in mind should any legislation concerning credit cards come before the Senate in the future.
Thanks again for getting in touch with me about this issue. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance to you in the future.
Sincerely, Barbara A. MikulskiUnited States Senator
P.S. If I can be of further assistance in the future,please visit my website at http://mikulski.senate.govor call my Washington D.C. office at 202-224-4654