Saturday, March 27, 2010

Health Care - What Next?

Well much to my surprise, Congress passed the Health Care Bill, twice. First with the Senate Democrat behind closed door deals and the second time, hopefully, with less of the backroom deals.

Now President Obama is out selling the legislation - something he should have been doing right from the start. Maybe if he and the Democrats had been clear and precise during the town hall meetings about the context of the bill there would be a lot less tension.

Of course the Republicans want to repeal/reform the bill. Why they did not work on the reform while the bill was in committee is beyond me. Well maybe not. After all, elections are on the horizon and its better to be a stronger opponent of the other party, rather than seen as a compromiser working for the good of the people.

Today Sarah Palin and the Tea Party descend on Searchlight Nevada to harass the home community of Senator Harry Reid. These people did nothing wrong and should not be punished by an invasion.

Now we can sit back and watch as the campaign rhetoric increases and the TV pundits tell us who is right and wrong.

We will also see how the immediate action parts of the Health Care Bill take effect and if they are everything that is promised.

As I have said in the past - they are all wrong. We need term limits and we definitely need to get rid of the incumbents and start at square one.

Pay careful attention to what is doing on and get ready to vote in November.

Its Common Sense!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Congressional Accountability and Responsibility

Watching the news during the past week I have to wonder if the following three words can be used together positively in a sentence - Congress, Accountability and Responsibility.

The other day we learned that for the first time Social Security brought in less than was needed to pay monthly benefit checks. Which means the government is going to have to borrow money, because Congress left a bunch of IOUs and raided the Social Security Trust Fund. Where is the responsibility and accountability in that action? Through their greed and stupidity Congress, rather than leaving the Fund alone to gain interest, blew the money on whatever half assed thing got their attention and now they will increase an already out of control debt even higher.

Health Care Reform. People need health care and there has to be a way to do it that will please the majority. Does Congress sit down and try and do what is best for the American people? Of course not. Better split based on party lines and say the hell with the people. My way right or wrong. Compromise is not an option.

Watching some of these pompous baboons on TV infuriates me and makes me marvel that some of these clowns just keep coming back.

Since it is obvious that our government does not want to be accountable or responsible, I think its time we the people take over. God knows we can't do any worse.

During the next weeks I intend to make a proposal to my senators for a bill to limit campaign funding so that not only the rich will be able to run for office in this country. Its time that those of us in the trenches had a chance on Capital Hill to bring back a sense of reality.

Obama made a lot of promises about changing the system and having an open government, but as he pointed out to John McCain during the Health Care Fiasco, that was a campaign promise and no one is campaigning anymore. How's that for a taste of reality?

Anyway, we all need to start thinking of ways to get the common man to DC. Best way to start - vote the incumbents out.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Senator Mikulski on the 28th Amendment

Senator Mikulski's staff must want some time away from health care reform because they already responded to my my question regarding a proposed 28th amendment.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about amending the United States Constitution. It's good to hear from you.

I agree with you that Congress is here to represent the people. I believe Members of Congress have a sacred duty to represent those who have elected them with honor and integrity. We should be held to a high standard, and we must be accountable for our actions. The laws that we make apply to everyone in this country, and Members of Congress are expected to follow them or face consequences just like the public we serve.

Again, thank you for getting in touch. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you in the future.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator