Tuesday, October 7, 2008

American Socialism

The past few weeks have been interesting, to say the least. The US government bought Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they loaned AIG a small fortune, they have promised $700 billion to bail out a variety of banks and loaning institutions. Ford Motor Company has come begging for a loan. So have the governors of California and Massachusetts. Who will be coming next to get a guaranteed, secure loan from the US government? (Of course that means us the tax payers.)

Suddenly it appears that the federal government is getting involved in a lot of areas where they really have no business. In a capitalist society enterprises have to take care of themselves. They make it or fail on their own merits. Nobody bailed out Enron when it failed, or went to the aid of its employees. Now, however, the government has decided to stick its head in everywhere.

Maybe it would be better for the country if we did fall into a recession/depression. Its time for a wake up call. Greed took over from responsibility and rather than let the greedy s.o.b.s come crying for help, Congress should have told the CEO's to use their 'golden umbrellas" to bail their companies out of ruin.

Where will the government take over next? Socialized medicine? Control of institutions of higher education? What's allowed on t.v.?

I have never had a problem with the government providing assistance to the poor - with the understanding that the help was temporary and not a life long commitment. Now the government feels it is under an obligation to assist the rich and greedy, and who knows for how long a period.

I do not understand how providing all these loans is going to help me. Gas is still at a ridiculously high price - why should it be more that $1.00 a gallon? Grocery shopping is becoming a fine art, looking for bargains and trying to decide if it would be wiser to become a vegetarian because the price of meat is getting prohibitively high.

Our Congress is moving into areas that have always been the public sector. Little by little they are encroaching in what used to be the peoples domain. As the State takes more control, and dictates terms to the people, the more we are headed to an uneven socialist society, with the power in the hands of the few.

Based on their present performance (how much pork did they add to the bailout bill?) and being afraid of just what they might do next with my tax dollars (since they have done nothing to lower prices or work on the national infrastructure)I believe the best way we can send a message to Congress that we have had enough is to vote out all of the incumbents. Some of them are so confident of reelection (my congressman is an example) that they aren't even campaigning. Its time to put an end to the arrogance and their attitude of superiority.

The only kind of socialist society I would contemplate living in is the one of the early Christians outlined in the Acts of the Apostles. That was the ideal, and it didn't last very long. The type of socialism our current government is trying to force on us is poor at best, and totally unbalanced at worse.

Let's take back our government, let's begin anew with men and women who will listen to us and value our opinion, working for the majority, not their own ambitious goals.

America for Americans, not the politicians.

Its Common Sense.

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