Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fair, balanced, and Impartial News

I know a lot of people who chuckle when they hear Fox News reporters state that they are fair and impartial. We all know the vast majority are just a little to the right. MSNBC, especially Keith Oberman, who got teary eyed during Obama's acceptance speech, are to the left. True, both networks have a couple who lean the other way for a little balance, but let's face it no network is impartial. CCN leans to the left, no matter how hard Lou Dobbs tries to get them to be a little conservative.

I just read where the McCain campaign people do not feel Gwen Ifill will be a fair moderator for the upcoming vice-presidential debate because she has a book coming out in January entitled "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama"

What happened to news people who truly were fair and impartial. Remember the good old days of Walter Cronkite and Huntley and Brinkley? They had people they admired but they reported the news evenly, with no inference to their personal preference. Their job was to lay out the facts to the best of their ability and then allow the viewer to make their own decision.

Journalist are suppose to give us facts, not twist them to suit their agenda. If something is bad, its bad - if something is good its good.

Unfortunately, today it appears that far too many journalists have decided that not only are they way smarter than the people who view them, they are also way smarter than politicians, military leaders, religious leaders, .etc. They want to tell us how to think. For some reason they feel they are above the clouds, full of knowledge and that they have all of answers.

God help us. Its sad that you have to be careful watching the news in hopes of finding the truth. My wife enjoys switching from the various news channels. It is amazing the different interpretations you can get on the same story.

My advice tonight is that all of us in this election year have to follow the advice given by Pope Paul IV in his encyclical Humanae Vitae. This encyclical came out in the late 1960's when birth control was a major issue, especially for Catholics. Sweet and simple, the Pope said that the true Christian should make no decision until they had an informed conscious. Once they had learn everything they could, then and only then could they make a decision they could justify in the eyes of God.

That's what we all need to do for the up coming election, have informed consciouses. That means we need to look at all of the resources available to us. Network news alone just won't due, sadly the majority are far too opinionated.

You have the responsibility of creating your own informed conscious..How you vote has to be your decision, not someone else's opinion.

Its Common Sense


Unknown said...

In our media obsessed world it makes for better tv to have reporters who aren't impartial.We need to have some who lean to the left to combat the idiots at Fox. I think it is easier for cable networks to get way with leaning more towards one side or the other. However, you still have people like Katie Couric, Brian Williams, who are impartial.

Mike's Common Sense said...

Are Katie Couric and Brian Williams really impartial?