Friday, January 2, 2009

To Seat or not to Seat, that is the Question!

To seat or not to seat Roland Burris of Illinois? - will be the question facing the US Senate on Monday January 5, 2009. What a way to get things started in the new year. Who would have thought that Barack Obama's replacement would end up being an individual of controversy, regardless of color, sex or religion?

In my opinion the Illinois Governor should have bowed gracefully out of the picture based on his recent indictment, and allowed the state legislature to appoint an individual to carry out what was left of Obama's US Senate term. Of course that did not happen, and now we are faced with what will probably turn out to be a mess.

I hope that Mr Burris does not use the race card when his right to be seated is questioned. Anyone following the news knows that whoever Blago selected was going to be rejected, regardless of their credentials and qualifications. In truth, Blago could have selected Michelle Obama and even she would not be accepted.

Monday the USA will once again be on the world stage and we can only hope that the gang in Washington will act with dignity and decorum and that things will not turn into an ugly name calling brawl.

Illinois needs to get its house in order. The State Supreme Court and Legislature need to move now to take over and control the situation to avoid becoming an international laughing stock.

What does this tell the world about Illinois politics? What questions will this raise about Barack Obama's quick rise to the US Senate and his supporters for his presidential campaign? Will the world conclude that the USA is just as bad and corrupt as anywhere else and has no right to consider itself a world leader any longer? What will happen to the world view Obama was hoping to create?

A lot of things to consider. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out on Monday.

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