Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Will the Obama Administration have a honeymoon period? The way the week is shaping up that might turn out to a dream Obama will never see.

When Obama chose Leon Panetta to head the CIA he forgot to confer with Senator Diane Feinstein of California, the chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Talk about a slap in the face. You would think that Feinstein just might have had a few suggestions for the person to run US intelligence, other than a former president's chief of staff. (Where are the new faces and changes Obama promised? More and more it is looking like the same old story and same "old" faces.)

Evidently irked by being ignored, Senator Feinstein decided that she had no problem with Roland Burris being seated as the junior senator of Illinois, an act that irked her Democrat brethren. I guess this is her way of letting Obama know she is not someone to be played with.

As for Roland Burris, we will see how it plays out. Being from a small town outside the city of Baltimore Maryland I found it interesting that one of Burris' attorneys is Kurt Schmook (never could spell his last name correctly) a former Baltimore mayor. According to Kurt the law is on Burris' side. We'll just have to see if the law means anything.

Harry Reid asked Norm to concede the Minnesota election and let Al move to DC. Norm has filed a suit in court, so it will be some time before we know what will happen in the land of lakes.

If the Democrats want to sell Obama's economic package, they better get their act together and become unified or at least put on a united front and do their bickering behind close doors. This is a time when Americans need to see a strong government, not a bunch of cat fights.

We'll watch as the next couple of weeks progress. Is it possible the members of Congress can put aside their petty squabbles, their greed and their desire to be on camera to actually work for the good of the American public?

I saw an interesting comment this evening on one of the news shows. The 2008 Congress had one of the lowest approval ratings of all time, and still over 90% of the incumbents were reelected.

What does that say about us? Are we as afraid of change as the DC gang is?

Apathy has brought us here, continued apathy can only take us further down.

Is that what we want? Is that the legacy we want to give our children?

Get off your butts and be heard!!!

Its Common Sense!

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