Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oversight (Line Veto)

Senate Leader Harry Reid is going to have a vote today on a bill to provide several billion to expand national wildlife areas. From the brief description of the bill that I read it appears like a good thing. Of course, if you go to the details you find there is a road to no where proposed for a national park in Alaska. There are funds to save 500 salmon in California and no doubt other special entitlements that certain senators want.

In the same vein, Obama wants Bush to get Congress to release the last $350 billion of the initial bailout package. Because there are questions as to how the first half was used, Congress may dragged their feet until they set up a better system of oversight.

I believe that for any of these proposal to have good initial oversight the best thing to have is a presidential line veto. This is one thing I always agreed with John McCain about. Let the president cut out the greedy entitlements. Congress can set up the oversight group once the law is enacted and the funds made available. By allowing the president to cut the pork right at the beginning hopefully Congress will be forced to carefully consider money requests and limit themselves to entitlements that actually were for the general good of the public, as opposed for the good of few wealthy contributors.

This looks like something we should promote to our representatives.

Do you agree, or do you think the system is so corrupt we can never change it?

If we give up we let them win. If we fight, even if we lose, we know that our principals stand firm.

Its Common Sense!

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