Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Obama's Road Trip

President Obama took a road trip today to visit the men and women on Capital Hill. He went specifically to visit the Republican men and women and sell them on his stimulus plan. Now according to his press secretary, the president went to hear what the senators and congress people had to say, but the truth of the matter is he went to make a sell, because as bad financial continues to come in, Obama needs to do something dramatic, or his presidency is doomed to a downward spiral.

It will be interesting to see what effect, if any, the president's visit had on the members of Congress. Tomorrow the House votes, we'll see what happens.

I understand that details of the stimulus package are going to be available on the Internet. I recommend that all of us take the time to see just where our money is going. If you aren't happy about the money's destination, then let your representatives know. Its our money, we should have a say in how it gets spent.

A side note. In his first day as Secretary of the Treasury, Tim Geithner released $386 million dollars to 23 banks. It part of the initial stimulus from the Bush Administration. Let's see if these banks use the money for the good of the people, or if it disappears just like the initial $350 billion did. Accountability Secretary Geithner, we better see accountability!!

Finally, our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is informing Iran that they now have an opportunity to deal with the nations of the world. Who gave her permission to say that?

I am not a fan of the be nice and friendly to Iran mentality. They are a repressive government who want to see us, Israel and most of Europe taken out as soon as possible. Let's maintain the sanctions, let's be ready to blow up any nuclear reactor they build, and let's remind them we haven't forgotten those hostages of the 70's.

I am a fan of Teddy Roosevelt's philosophy of walk softly and carry a big stick. Iran should remember we still have the big stick.

Its Common Sense!

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