Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama's Train Ride

On January 17 President-elect Obama and his family will address an event in Philadelphia. They will then board a train, proceed to Wilmington, Delaware and pick up the Biden entourage, then proceed to Baltimore for another event and finally reach Washington DC.

According to the press release, Obama is taking the trip for all those who cannot attend the Inauguration. Trust me, anyone between Philly and DC who want to be there will figure out a way to be present.

Obama wants to remember Lincoln's journey to DC. He would do well to remember that a mob almost took out Lincoln in Baltimore.

Regardless if it is a positive symbolic gesture or not, the truth of the matter is that it is one more expense the American tax payer does not need to carry. How much will security cost for this train ride? What inconveniences will those along the route have to suffer?

Why not leave well enough alone? Obama is in DC, he should stay and get ready for the battles to come. There is no need to tempt some loony by riding on a train that passes chemical plants.

What is he thinking? His security people surely pointed out the risks. His economic people should have pointed out the cost.

Barack Obama campaigned to bring change. As we get closer to his Inauguration it looks more and more like the same old thing. An ego trip ignoring all of those around him.

American needs a leader. Due to our current situation, Obama is going to need to start off running and deliver big and for the long time if he is going to be successful.

He does not know it all, he needs his advisers and he needs to listen to the people. The last thing we need is some who sees himself as a demi-god.

Americans are tolerant, but only up to a point.

This time promises were made that the people actually expect the President to keep. If he fails, his days will be numbered.

Its Common Sense!

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