Saturday, January 17, 2009

Inauguration Security

I saw an article that states there will be approximately 40,000 security personnel present at the Inauguration on Tuesday. Its a mix of law enforcement and military. It is more than all of the troops the USA currently has stationed in Afghanistan.

I find it sad that on this historic moment, whether you like or don't like, voted or didn't vote for Obama, the fact of the matter is that for America to have its first biracial president is a big deal. (The same would be for any first - woman, Afro-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Gay,.etc)

However, the fear of some terrorist attack is overshadowing everything. Unfortunately I think the fear is more from home grown white supremacy groups as opposed to international terrorist at this point.

My hope is that knowledge of all the security will be threat enough and the terrorists will stay home. (Hopefully they won't want to go out in the cold.)

Today it begins with the train ride from Philly. Let's all pray that it all goes well. (We can complain about the expense next week.)

With a new start coming, it is imperative that we communicate with our representatives what we will and will not accept from this new administration.

I will give you some ideas in future editions.

Stay warm this weekend, watch the proceedings, and think what you want the new president to do for you. After all he's our employee - let's put him to work.

Its Common Sense!

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