Monday, September 29, 2008

What now?

Evidently John McCain did not sell the Republican Congress on the need for the bailout. Apparently the Democrats did not do all that go a job with their own side.

I am amazed that anyone thought this would be easy. All of these men and women are up for reelection in five weeks. The majority have not had any time for campaigning. The are afraid, and rightly so, that many of their constituents are not going to understand why tax dollars are needed to save greedy banks. Maybe if we publicly executed a couple of these CEO's who's leadership caused the problem, and gave their "golden umbrellas" to the people, the populace might be more sympathetic.

A product is only going to sell if it is promoted properly. This bailout has been promoted like a joke. All we have heard is panic - it has to be done - markets will crash - loans will dry up- trust us, we know what we are doing. Give me a break, if the folks in Congress knew what they were doing we would have never been placed in this mess.

Bush, or better yet Paulson and a Democrat and Republican leader, need to come out and spell out for the people exactly what this bailout is all about, who gets the money, who over sees the money, and when will we get it back and at what interest. After all, this is suppose to be a loan, not a give away.

Producing a 100 page + document that the average American can not read does not help to alleviate fears. Congress needs to talk with us - not tell us - what is going on. It is our money, we need to have a voice.

This is another example of Congress treating us like children and expecting us to accept whatever they say. At least the leadership thought that. The reality is with an election looming the majority got scared. Now, rather than point fingers, they need to talk to us, explain the plan and show that they are doing this for the good of the whole country, not the fat cats on Wall Street.

Treat us as equals. Make us part of the process.

It's Common Sense.

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