Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What is the value of a dollar?

I heard on the news last night that the Federal Reserve has requested the Treasury Department to print more money. With all of the recent bailouts it stands to reason that the country has to insure that there is enough money floating in circulation.
Unfortunately, the more money in circulation, the less the value of the dollar on the world market, which means if we are not already in a recession we are certainly on the way and if we are in a recession, then how far off is a depression? The stock market keeps heading down, there does not appear to be any hope of the horizon.
Which leads me to wonder just what our two prominent candidates for president feel about the current economic situation? Do they have a clue as to what is going on?
Mr. Cain seems to feel that things are not all that bad. After all, he is promising employees with lower paying jobs due to the fact that their original employers left the country that the government will somehow make up the difference between their current paycheck and what they used to make. How is that suppose to work? Where is the money coming from?
Mr. Obama wants universal health care and says that his plan will pay for itself. How? People who can afford health care are already covered by some kind of plan. It is low income individuals and those unable to join some kind of group plan that have no coverage. So how are they going to pay for coverage?
I urge you to write to the candidates' websites and ask questions.
I know that can be frustrating. (I have written several times to both candidates requesting specifics on their various plans and have thus far received no response. Perhaps the silence is the answer.)
We the people need to tell the politicians that enough is enough. There is only so much to go around and we have to put the money where it will best serve the country - education, defense, infrastructure, paying off the debt.
No more pork. The next member of congress who tries to add a special request on a bill should be run out of town on a rail.
We need common sense, not nonsense.

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