Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate #1

Last night was the first of the three presidential debates. Along with my wife, we watched the entire thing, as well as the commentaries afterwards on CNN and MSNBC.

I give kudos to Jim Lehrer for trying to get the candidates to actually face off one against the other and let some passion flow. Unfortunately the only passion I saw was when McCain spoke about the surge in Iraq.

I think at the next debate the candidates should be seated at a table, facing one another, so that they will be forced to have eye contact and get into a serious discussion, hopefully where they will be forced to get down to specifics. They need to make this personal, this is about the two of them, who they are, not some lofty goals.

Contrary to many of the commentators I did not see either one as the victor. Of course, the fact that I saw them as pretty even I guess means that Obama did better on foreign affairs than expected.

Over all I was disappointed in that both avoid specifics.

After asking their views on the bailout and if they would support what Congress proposes, Jim Lehrer asked which of their programs would be affected due to lack of funding.

McCain talked of freezing most programs, with the exceptions of defense and veteran spending.

Obama admitted some of his programs would be delayed but that he planned to pushed through health care and education - the two high ticket items on his agenda.

Is it possible that neither man gets the fact that Americans are tired of bailing everybody in world out of trouble and leaving ourselves with a hopeless deficit? McCain mention at one point the $500 billion we owe China. He didn't mention the other countries holding our securities.

We can not continue to do crazy spending until we get control of our debt.

My view of their positives and negatives.

Barack Obama


Positive - Wants to work out tax breaks for 95% of Americans. Plans to veto entitlements, restrict loopholes for big business and look into cutting government wasteful spending practices.

Make Iraq start paying for the war out of their oil surplus.

Negative - Does not explain where the money is going to come from to pay for his programs if the majority of taxes are going to be cut. Also makes no mention of how he plans to start paying off the deficit.

Foreign Affairs

Positive - Concentrate on stabilising Afghanistan and eliminating the bin Laden, Al Quada, Taliban threat in that part of the world. Wants to meet with allies and improve the world image of the USA.

Negative - Lack of experience about foreign relations. Although in a debate with Hilary Clinton he stated that he would meet with no pre-conditions with the leaders of countries hostile to the USA, last night he tried to give a different spin. Admit that you were wrong and move on.

John McCain


Positive - Veto entitlements and clean up up wasteful government spending by revamping Federal Agencies and holding them accountable.

Negative - Still wants to give breaks to big business without holding them accountable.

Foreign Affairs

Positive - He's been everywhere and knows everyone. Even though I was against the war in Iraq since day one, he was right about the surge and just maybe the USA will be able to withdraw with a victory.

Negative - Still seems to be a victim of the Evil Empire mentality.

Overall I was disappointed. Obama came across as an aloof college professor.

As much as I hate to admit this, McCain came across as a tired old man, repeating himself and at times losing his train of thought.

Oh well, two more debates to go. Hopefully things will get better.

This coming Thursday night debate between Palin and Biden should be really entertaining, if nothing else. (Maybe she will wear her bathing suit and bring her rifle.)

In all the furor over the presidential election, let's not forget that there are also races for the Senate and Congress. We should take a careful look at these candidates as well. Maybe its time to do some "House" cleaning.

Keep informed, ask questions, and don't rush into any decisions.

It's Common sense.

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