Monday, September 22, 2008

Appropriations, Earmarks, Pork

This is the second in a series of letters I will be sending to my senators and congressman. Please feel free to use it or any part of it to make requests or ask questions of your representatives. Hopefully I will have some answers to share with you in the near future.

Dear Senator,
The close of the fiscal year will soon be upon us and once again the Congress has failed to pass the appropriation bills needed for the government to continue to function. Once again we will go through a series of "continuing motions" until all of the backroom deals have been made and everybody on the "Hill" is satisfied with their "Earmarks."
Senator, I am writing to you to ask you to fight the "earmarks". The past two months have brought almost a trillion dollar debt upon this country. We do not need to go further in debt to borrow money so some one can study the effects of cows passing gas, or how many trout are in the streams of West Virginia.
The time of irresponsible spending has to end. You the members of Congress are suppose to be the leaders of this country, not children with their hands in the cookie jar trying to grab all they can.
Please stand up and tell your fellow senators "No more!"
Think of the people, not the lobbyist and special interest.
In this election year we need to see through these appropriations which party really is the party of change, and which party is business as usual.
I would really appreciate if you could send to me a list of the senators requesting earmarks and just what those earmarks are.
Michael Wolfe

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