Sunday, February 22, 2009

Obama's Budget

Word has leaked out about some of the items that will be included in President Obama's budget that will help cut the deficit in half by the time his term ends. Now, there is no doubt that the Bush Administration and Congress left a huge deficit/debt, but I think Obama is suffering from wishful thinking if he thinks he can actually reduce the deficit in half in four years.

One thing is to reduce the spending in Iraq and Afghanistan. Is that really going to happen? Hopefully the majority of our troops will be out of Iraq by 2011, but how much financial support will the USA continue to provide to the Iraq government?

Afghanistan will be receiving new troops shortly. New troops means more equipment, infrastructure and more cooperation with the Afghanistan government and military. In addition, if there is going to any real success against Al Quada and the Taliban, the USA and NATO are going to need to invest heavily in Afghanistan's education system, economic situation, and the creation of jobs that are non-poppy related and can offer competitive salaries.

These things will cost money. If the USA skimps, we will pay the price in more blood and bodies over the long haul.

Obama plans to let the tax cuts for the rich - those earning over $250,000.00 a year - run its course and expire in 2010. I can see the Republicans staying quiet and not asking for a renewal of the tax break.

With all the money that has been borrowed for the stimulus, the government's concentration should be on getting American business in the + column again, and then begin the work of taxing the public and industry fairly to bring in the revenue to pay off the debt.

As for controlling the deficit, Congress and the President have to start working off a balanced budget. No more out of control spending, taking loans from anyone willing to give us a handout. Our status in the world is going down because our leaders are perceived as money hungry bureaucrats.

A balance budget means that all of us need to start making sacrifices and live within in our means. At the same time we have to stay safe and strong. Hard to do but possible.

Its Common Sense!

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