Sunday, February 1, 2009

Economic Stimulus Package

President Obama's stimulus package heads for the Senate this week. It passed the House without a single Republican vote. The Democrats (read Nancy Pelosi) made it clear that they have the power and they can do what they want.

The sad thing is that this package really does little to stimulate the economy. I have seen nothing in the bill that will get large numbers of people working or offer assistance on mortgages. I wish the President would explain just how he thinks spending all this money will help.

We saw $700 billion sucked up by Wall Street and the banks with no result for the public. No better loan rates, (no loans period for the most part) no improvement in the stock market, and no sense of relief in any form.

All we know is that some of our tax money went to pay bonuses. Obama is mad, but I don't see him demanding repayment of any of the money.

I think we need to see exactly how the next $870 billion is to be spent before we give permission to release it to the world.

Write your senators. Ask them to send you a detailed listing of how the money is to be spent.

After all its our money, our tax dollars are going to have to cover it eventually, we should have some say in how it is being spent.

Its Common Sense!

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