Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of forty days of penance and fasting for the majority of Christians throughout the world. Instead of giving anything up this year, I decided I was going to try and adopt a more positive attitude about life and those around me. In general, I think I will be successful.

There is only one area that will cause me difficulty, Congress. Today they approved the spending of another $410 billion. This time there appears to be a lot of ear marks and we will have to see if President Obama sticks to his guns and vetoes the pork.

Now that the Democrats control both the executive and legislative branches of government, it will be interesting to see if they pursue and pass the line item veto. Some Republicans, like John McCain, would certainly go along with them. Sounds like something I need to write my senators about.

As we start Lent, let us all take time to look at the good, help those around us, and be a positive example for all. If we can do it, maybe we can get the politicians to do it. After all, miracles still happen.

Its Common Sense!

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