Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Chavez forever???

Venezuela voted on a referendum Sunday to abolish term limits on all political offices in the country and it won. Which means that Hugo Chavez can legitimately (as long as he controls the ballot boxes) remain the president for the rest of his life.

I have always been in favor of term limits. I believe US Senators (as well as state senators) should have a limit of two six year terms and that Congressmen (and their state equivalent) should have a limit of two four year terms. Two years never made any sense to me. Too much time wasted on campaigning. Of course the President's current term limit should remain in place.

What happens next in Venezuela and countries like Bolivia and Ecuador, where Chavez has some influence, is anybodies guess. We know he is supposedly supporting socialism, we just have to discover what the word means to him.

We will need to continue to keep a close eye on Chavez, especially as we move towards energy independence and cut petroleum products coming from Venezuela. His reaction will be interesting.

Time will tell if Chavez will bring true socialism to South America, or only extreme chaos.

Its Common Sense!

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