Monday, November 17, 2008

What next?

CitiCorp has announced it will be letting about 10% of its work force go. The other banking and financial "giants" are following suit. No telling how many thousand unemployed will be hitting the streets by the end of November. Black Friday after Thanksgiving just might become Red Friday by the time everything is said and done.

Things are getting worse not better, regardless of bailouts and promises of hope. The Stock Market continues down, not just here, world wide. Japan has declared itself in a recession, will our government do the same?

GM, Ford and Chrysler are still standing with their hands out. Do they deserve anything?

A lot of questions, few answers. A lot of folks have opinions, me included. But that's all they are, opinions. I am not in a position to take action. The truth of the matter is that neither is George W. Pelosi and Reid will never allow Bush to look good during him final months.

Which means that come the end of January Barach Obama and the Democrat Congress are going to need to put up or shut up.

This could mean that they immediately put together a Civilian Work Corp to begin construction on clean energy projects, such as windmills, nuclear power plants and natural gas pipelines. There is no sense giving someone a handout when there can be meaningful employment available.

FDR started it at the end of the Depression, then got a big war to stimulate the economy. I could do without the Big War. Hopefully, by working with the energy and power companies, the government can stimulate growth, jobs, clean energy and bringing jobs back to the USA. If we don't have to buy foreign oil, maybe there will be more money at home to support our own industries.

Needless to say I don't have all the answers. I might not have any, although I do have a lot of questions.

What are your concerns? What scares you right now and what scares you in the future?

Let me know and let your representatives in DC know.

The future belongs to all of us. We have to work together to guarantee that we will have one.

Its Common Sense!

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