Monday, November 10, 2008


The transition began for real with Obama's visit to the White House. In the past this was done in December but President Bush had President-Elect Obama show up as soon as possible. You have to wonder just how eager George W is to get to the ranch in Crawford and dump everything in Obama's lap.

Obama will be gaining additional economic woes. It appears that AIG needs more money and rather than a bailout, the US government is going to buy stock. Let me know when your stock certificates arrive in the mail.

Circuit City has declared bankruptcy, doesn't appear that it is going to be a very Merry Christmas for a lot of folks.

The three major US automakers are looking for loans. I think they should be forced to produce natural gas burning cars within the year before any loans are approved. I also believe that Obama should allow the oil companies to do their drilling, so long as they guarantee that every gas station they own - and the independents they provide fuel to - will have at least two natural gas pumps operating within one year. Let the auto companies and oil companies put up or shut up before they receive anything else from the government.

We all will have to see what kind of deals are around for "Black"Friday. (I hate those early morning specials where you have to be at the store at 5am.)

Finally, Joe Biden won his Senate seat from Delaware. So the question is who will serve in his place? I am curious to see if the governor of Delaware appoints Biden's son to fulfill the term. Perhaps this is the beginning of a Biden dynasty from the First State.

Tomorrow we celebrate Veteran's Day, remembering those brave men and women who have served their country in the military since 1776. Take a moment tomorrow to thank them for their many sacrifices. It is because of them that people like me are free to write and say what I want. Our military may make mistakes, but overall they are a fine group of dedicated individuals who deserve our respect.

Its Common Sense!

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