Saturday, November 1, 2008

Guantanamo Bay

I read an article that "Camp Justice" in the Guantanamo Bay military compound is not seeing a lot of action because things are winding down. Both Obama and McCain have promised to close the prisoner of "war" camp, and move the inhabitants to other locations.

Of course the real question is if any of these people are terrorists, or simply individuals who happened to in the wrong place at the wrong time. Granted, I am sure there are some Taliban fanatics in the crowd, but their only crime - other than the fact that they are ignorant, chauvinistic, and want to live in the stone age with an AK 47 - is the fact that they fought against invaders of their country and were captured. That makes them a war criminal, not a terrorist. As far as I know we are not trying war crimes of the Taliban, at least not yet. The way things are currently going in Afghanistan that could change in the future. These individuals are prisoners of war and should be treated as such.

Thus far very little "hard" evidence has been provided as to the terrorist status of any of the prisonners. The Guantanamo prison camp was a mistake, one I hope we never repeat.

We boast about America's desire for justice for all. Its time we started showing the world just what true justices entails.

Its Common Sense!

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