Saturday, November 14, 2009

Medicare Fraud

Today came out the information that Medicare has been defrauded approximately $40 billion this past year. That sounds like a lot of money to me. I did not see how much, if any, of that money was recovered.

Articles like that is what has me scared about the government assuming even more control over the health care system. It is evident that Congress and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid can not control or even get a hold on the fraud.

So once again, I am asking the US Congress to prove they can manage just Medicare, before they attempt to take over the majority of health care in the country. I think they need to adequately staff and train the Centers for medicare and Medicaid, teach them how to work with law enforcement and then turn them loose on the perpetrators of these frauds.

Once they can bring back the $40 billion, then I will be willing to listen to them talk about passing their health care bill.

Prove you have the power and ability to complete one job. Once you guys and gals on Capital Hill have accomplished that, then we will be willing to hear you talk about how you will run health care reform.

Its Common Sense!

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