Sunday, November 29, 2009

Iran and Nuclear Power

Iran announced its building at least ten more uranium processing plants. It appears that Ahmadinejad just gave the United Nations the finger. Okay, we know he is not the real power in Iran and that the old mullahs are calling the shots, but regardless of who is in charge, what is the United Nations and the rest of the world going to do?

Let's be honest, the government of Iran cannot be trusted. No one can believe that they are going to show UN inspectors anymore than they want to show. No one knows where they are as far as creating a nuclear weapon.

Sanctions and embargoes are talked about, yet Iran continues to get the materials they need to create these plants. Where are the materials coming from? Who is making a profit? Which nations and/or companies are ignoring the embargo/sanctions and using what ever means necessary to take millions from Iran?

Personally, I do not believe the United Nations can be trusted to serve as a vigilant watch dog. There is too much corruption in that organization and in many ways I believe it has out lasted its purpose. For the United Nations to be effective, it has to be reorganized, given some teeth, and the member nations have follow the rules.

Easier said than done I know.

Now the USA and the European Nations (not to mention Israel) will have to keep a careful watch on things by whatever means are available. The last thing the world needs is for Iran to build a dirty bomb and give it to al Quaeda or one of the other extremist terrorist groups.

Iran needs to be put down. The questions is how?

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