Friday, September 25, 2009

Democratic Power

I see that Vice-President Biden swore in Paul Kirk as temporary Senator of Massachusetts, giving the Democrats their 60 seats in the Senate.

Frankly, I am not happy that the Obama Administration used the Kennedy influence to insure he has enough votes to ram Health Care Reform through the Congress if the Republicans do not get any of the compromises they are seeking.

The state of Massachusetts decided years ago on a policy to replace a US Senator and I feel that policy should be respected. If the citizens of Massachusetts want to change the policy, then there should be a state referendum and a decision made by the people, not some lawmakers looking for payback at a later date.

Between asking the governor of New York not to run, and pushing for the governor of Massachusetts to give them a friendly man for the Senate, I think the Obama Administration are stepping out of bounds.

Blatant interference is not the way to inspire the confidence of the people.

These actions are a disappointment. Obama, and especially his team need to be a little more considerate of the feelings of the American public or they just might discover they are in for a short time in Washington.

Its Common Sense!

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