Monday, December 1, 2008

Recession - DAH!!!!!!!!

Wall Street fell yet again with the official news that the country is in a recession. What the hell do they think has been going on? They need official word to know that things are screwed up?
Explain to me again why we want to bail these jokers out? (I know its the fancy banks but they are all linked to Wall Street.)

On a hopefully positive note Barrack Obama named his security team. No surprises and some people who at least on paper look pretty good. Time will tell.

Tomorrow Georgia is having their run off for Senate. Sarah Palin came to root for the Republican and the Clintons and Al Gore showed up for the Democrat. Even the Obamas sent recorded messages. Tomorrow we'll see if anyone really cares.

What's the word from Minnesota? Al Franken where are you?

In just 24 days we celebrate Christmas. With all of the craziness in the world - terror attacks in Mumbai, a worker trampled to death in a Wal Mart in New York, insurgencies continuing in Iraq and Afghanistan, civil war in the Congo and Nigeria, the president of Russia invading the Caribbean and visiting Fidel and making deals with Chavez - maybe we all need to sit back and reflex on where we fit into the scheme of things. Those of us who are Christian plan to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. Have we lived up to his example?

Who am I? What do I want? What kind of person am I? Do I care about the good of the many or am I only interested in myself?

This weekend I watched the HBO miniseries on the life of John Adams and although I do not agree with all he did or said, I do believe that even though he had a large ego, his overlying motivation was for the good of the people and the country.

Do our current leaders have that vision? Do they want to make this country and world better or are they only interested in the own ambitions? Time will tell.

Who do you care about? What do you care about?

To thine own self be true, then take care of your family, then your country and then the world.

Its Common Sense!

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