Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Capital Visitor Center

Nancy Pelosi and the gang opened the new Capital Visitor Center today. Only $360 million over budget and a year or so behind schedule it will be interesting to see if it was worth the effort and more importantly the money. I will have to get down to Washington and take a look.

Another project way over budget. This happens all of the time. We know the Pentagon never pays what the contract calls for because of - because of what?

I believe that once a contractor bids on a project and says it will cost so much, that's the end of it. You promised to do the job for a certain amount, live up to the contract. The politicians in DC seem to believe that contracts are not binding documents - no wonder things are so screwed up - but rather a means of getting things started.

What would happen if a government agency simply said "The bid was for X$s, that's all we have, too bad if you don't make a profit. Live up to the contract."

Did you ever see the movie "Dave"? He's nobody important, who looks exactly like the president and has to fill in. One of the best parts of the movie is when he wants to save a children's center and calls in a friend who is an accountant to find some money. The accountant is shocked at the bookkeeping method in DC and maybe it is time for all of us to be shocked as well.

Overage is not normal! Wasting taxpayer dollars should not be normal!

Let's call our representatives to task. A contract is a binding agreement, let's make the contractors honor their commitments. There is no more money to go around. The country is going down the tubes. Its time to stop giving the impression that our government is a bottomless money well.

Accountability!!! In the White House! In the Congress! In the Pentagon! In Federal Agencies!
In contracts with all parties!!

Its Common Sense!

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