Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sotmayor Hearing - Why bother?

Sonia Sotomayor faces the US Senate Judicial Committee for a second day of hearings.

Why are we taxpayers paying for this farce? We are paying the salaries of the senators and their aides who scurrying all over the place. No doubt we are paying for extra security at the Capital, as well as who knows what else.

I thought Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina summed it up yesterday when he said words to the effect - if you don't have a major melt down you will be confirmed.

Sotomayor is not going to have a major melt down. She is a so/so judge with a decent history who will do fine on the Supreme Court. She will probably prove to be another average judge, which the majority of the supreme court justices have been.

(Can any of you name the first three Chief Justices of the Supreme Court? - without looking them up?)

My point is, let's get her confirmed and seated so she is up to speed when the Court goes into session in October.

Senators, concentrate on getting people jobs, doing away with the debt, and making Americans feel like they really are Number One.

We are all tired of partisan bickering & whining. The time has come for Congress to get off their whinny, pass the buck asses and get out there and be leaders making a difference.

Good luck to you Sonia Sotomajor, but the American people have some real crisis that need to be solved, and your seat on the Supreme Court is not one of them.

Serve well, serve honestly and most importantly, always serve the good of the American people.

Its Common Sense!

1 comment:

Rebecafw said...

I am naming them off the top of my head:


maybe a kennedy?