Sunday, July 5, 2009

Obama & Russia

President Obama states he supports Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's efforts to reform and improve the Russian judicial system. After all, it sounds noble. However, I have a lot of doubts.

If one studies Russian/Soviet Union/Russian history, there is little regard for a true equal legal system during centuries of various rulers. Russian law was always controlled by the parties in power, the people had very little say in the matter.

Although President Medvedev says he wants reform, I do not see him as the true ruling force in Russia. Putin still holds the reins of power, at least in my mind, and I cannot imagine him releasing any power to anyone.

I believe Putin will continue to control the courts, just as he will justify clear human rights violations as being necessary actions to protect Russia.

Hopefully President Obama will have his eyes open when he meets with the Russians. It is true that working out a good trade agreement will be beneficial to our country during these hard financial times. But, that being said, Obama needs to protect the integrity of the USA at the same time.

Thus far I have been disappointed in the Obama Administration's track record in dealing with nations such as China, who clearly violate human rights, yet because of the debt the USA owes them, Obama's people are remaining silent. I fear the same silence will come out of the talks with the Russians, especially if there is a financial benefit to the USA that will make Obama look good, at least for the short term.

The financial crisis is causing the leadership of our nation to form strange alliances, with nations/people we need to keep at arm's length. I fear that when all is said done, our country will be weaker, not stronger because of the unsavory compromises the government has made.

Time will tell.

In the mean time, keep track of how the stimulus dollars are being spent, who is actually being helped, and how big the debt is that our grandchildren will inherit.

Bother your representatives and frequently remind them that you are keeping tabs on their performance and that come election day, you will be voting to put someone you trust in Washington. Actions speak louder than words. Let your reps know you are watching those actions.

Its Common Sense!

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