Sunday, March 1, 2009

Line Item Veto

I just sent the following letter to my two senators, along with Senator John McCain. Please feel free to use all of any part when contacting your own representatives. We have to control how our tax money is being spent. The line item veto is one way of control.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator
In watching the news during the past two weeks, it is evident that our country is in trouble and that responsible spending is going to be necessary to get the country's economy back on track.
One way I feel that the President and Congress can show the American people that the debt they creating is responsible, is by passing the line item veto.
President Obama has made it very clear that he is against entitlements (pork) and with the Democrats controlling both the legislative and executive branches of the government, I feel this is an excellent time to show that the people's money is going to be use responsibility and not for special interests.
The line item veto is one area where you should be able to get bi-partisan support. We all know that Senator John McCain is a great proponent of this measure and if he co-sponsors the bill with the senators of Maryland there is a high probability of success.
We day we listen to the staggering amounts, perhaps $4 trillion just in interest to pay, that we the people need to know our money is being spent wisely and appropriately.
Thus far the score card on Congressional oversight is not good. Congress gave $350 billion to banks that only seem to be using their money for their own purposes, not the American public. Where are the Congressional controls?
We the people need to know that the President and Congress are serious about controlling the debt that is placing on this country for the next four generations.
The line item veto let's us know that bills can be passed without "pork" being forced on.
With a debt in the trillions, the days of Congressional free spending needs to end. Every dollar needs to be account for.
Push the passage of the line item veto and show America that you truly care.
Thank you.

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