Monday, March 2, 2009

Letter to the President

After reading about some of the earmarks (pork) in the $410 billion bill the President plans to sign today, I felt I had to let him know how I felt and sent the following. I doubt if it will have any effect, but at least I let him know how one voter feels. Feel free to use any or all and write to him yourself. The President needs to know how we feel. Its our government and our money.

Its Common Sense!

Mr President

You campaigned against earmarks (pork) yet today you plan to sign a $410 billion bill that is full of them.


Rather than sign the bill, I think you need to get your fellow Democrats on the Hill to propose line item veto legislation so that you can keep your promise and cut the pork.

Most of us who voted for you did so because you promised to change the government. Thus far its business as usual.You offered hope but now it looks like greed and special interests continue to rule.

If the only way to save the country is by dishing out pork, maybe its not worth saving.

Listen to the people not the politicians- after all we're the ones you are going to be coming to in four years, they won't be able to do anything for you if we believe you lied and let us down.

Get the line item veto, save the country.

Thank you.

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