Sunday, March 15, 2009

AIG Bonus Payments

I saw a head line that AIG must pay bonuses to its employees, even though it ended up in the red and took a hefty amount of tax payer money to stay solvent. Here is the article.

Needless to say I do not care what contracts AIG employees signed prior to the bailout. Without the bailout money, AIG would be bankrupt, and the employees unemployed. Now, they are going to use taxpayer money to provide these bonuses, although they plan to restructure bonuses in the future.

Give me a break. The company failed and is only surviving at tax payer expense. As an involuntary share holder of AIG, no one has offered me any bonus. Why should those who took the company into debt get a bonus?

These are questions I will be asking my representatives and probably the president because I find this the worst kind of rip off.

I will be posting my letters in the near future.

Send your own letters and be heard. Its our country and our money. We need to have our say.

Its Common Sense!

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