Sunday, August 30, 2009

Afghanistan Election Voter Fraud

We may not know the results of the election in Afghanistan for months to come due to the fact that over 500 counts of voter fraud of one form or another have been reported. All of these reports are going to be investigated and only after that will the results be aired.

On the one hand it is sad that there are that many reports of fraud, but maybe that is just one of the prices a new growing democracy has to face. After all, here in the USA we all know the stories of Boss Tweed in New York and the Daily Machine in Chicago. We also know from our own history how some voters were kept away from the polls, and that in parts of our country there were laws to insure that only the "right" people were able to vote.

What I like about the situation in Afghanistan is that with all of the yelling of corruption and fraud, an investigation is taking place. How intense and thorough the investigation is we will have to wait and see, but at least an effort is being different.

That's a lot different than the recent "democratic" election in Iran where millions of ballots were counted in hours, and protests and shouts of fraud were met with violence.

Afghanistan has a long way to go. What we in the west need to remember is that they need to develop the democracy that is best for them, which is not necessarily what was best for us.

My hope is that our government will increase the amount of educational and reconstruction aide, so that our military commitment decreases as the Afghan people take charge of their lives and future.

Its Common Sense!!

1 comment:

Ajaz Haque said...

Surprise surprise, suddenly Mr. Karzai has 54% of the vote!