Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti in Crisis

We have all been watching the tragedy presently occurring in Haiti. It appears that the relief is starting to get through, but there is much to be done and we need to pray that the relief agencies and the governments providing aide put the Haitians ahead of national squabbles and politics.

The majority of us will make donations to relief organizations, I just recommend that you choose carefully and make sure it is a reputable organization.

In a crisis like this, the world usually pulls together, as they did for the victims of the terrible tsunami in Asia a few years ago.

President Obama has promised aid and our planes and goods are in Port a Prince. Obama also asked Bill Clinton and George W Bush to spear head the United States aid effort and both former presidents graciously agreed.

What I do not understand is why critics of Obama need to use this kind of situation to attack the President. It is probably evident from my blog that in many ways President Obama has disappointed me, but I do believe that the man is sincere and not just a cold blooded politician. Unfortunately the Rush Limbaughs of the world will use any excuse to go on the attack. His comments concerning the situation in Haiti makes you wonder if his life is simply about ratings and staying controversial and forgetting all about people.

Anyway, we need to watch how things progress in Haiti and both that order and relief are provided quicker than after Katerina.

Keep the victims, the relief workers, and all of the families in your prayers.

Sometimes, the best we can do is put everything in God's hands and pray for the best.

Its Common Sense!

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