Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Medicare Reform/Healthh Care Reform

I read an article regarding a plan to allow people to receive Medicare coverage at age 55. Having always considered Medicare a retirement health plan I am confused with allowing people to receive it ten years earlier than is the current policy. I do not see how the change is financially sound and how in the long run it will help anyone.

Due to my doubt I decided to write the President and my senators for clarification. Copies of the letters follow. Feel free to use all or any part when contacting your representatives. We need to know how all of this is going to be paid for before it get's totally out of control.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Mister President

Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate and your administration want to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.

Thank you.

Dear Senator

Please explain to me how opening Medicare to people beginning at age 55 will help the health care crisis. Does this mean that all of us will have Medicare as our primary insurance at age 55 and that we will need a supplement?
How and who is this going to pay for this? By opening the age, you are extending the time people will be covered. Can the medical system handle a Medicare program that will give baby boomers a ten year extension?
The news has been full of stories of Medicare fraud and now the Senate wants to open the system up to even more fraud.
How is this helping the American tax payer? Why must you continue to increase our debt?
Please, do not take this action. Before you make any changes to the present Medicare Program, clean it up. Manage Medicare properly and take firm action against those who defraud the system. Recover the millions that have been loss. Once you have accomplished that, then talk to us about changing Medicare.
The American tax payer can only take so much. Get people working; get the ball rolling on creating natural energy sources. Once you get a few million of the unemployed back on the tax rolls, then talk about Medicare reform.
Until that time clean up Medicare but do not change it.

Thank you.

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