Monday, April 5, 2010

Afghanistan Drama

Things keep happening in Afghanistan to keep the confusion/chaos alive. Obama sneaks in to visit with the troops and then tell Karzai he's got to get his act together and show some progress if he wants to continue to receive aide. Of course, since Obama has increased the USA's military commitment, the USA isn't getting out anytime soon, which means the aide will continue.

Evidently Karzai's feelings got hurt and the rumor is he has threatened to go over the the Taliban if the outsiders don't stop pressuring him. How long do you think he would last if he went over to the Taliban?

Both presidents need to stop trying to out stage the other and get to the serious business of bringing a workable peace to Afghanistan making all of the compromises necessary to end the killing. Too many lives have been wasted. Now is the time for true leadership, not stagemanship.

Its Common Sense!

1 comment:

Ajaz Haque said...

War is not the answer in Afghanistan. The US Generals may think they are winning, but they are not really. Taliban simply melt as troops arrive and reassemble elsewhere at a later date. This is a lose lose situation.

Karzai is not the person to bring peace to Afghanistan as he thrives on presence of foreign troops in his country. What Afghanistan needs is a rapid political solution, so foreign troops can leave asap. Karzai knows that departure of foreign troops is the end of his Government, so he is trying to keep the pot boiling.