Wednesday, October 7, 2009

President Obama & Saturday Night Live

Saturday Night Live opened their show this week with "President Obama" stating that after almost one year as president he had nothing to show. Prisoners still in Gitmo, troops in Iraq, things worse in Afghanistan, no health care, questionable stimulus, etc.

I thought it was pretty funny.

Monday I'm looking at CNN, the Focus Room with Wolf Blitzer. Not only had CNN had a Fact Check service investigate the truths of the Saturday Night Live skit, they had a panel of "experts" discuss what had occurred.

Give me a break. For thirty-five years SNL has been making fun of presidents, its a way of life. I don't remember anyone worrying about doing fact checks. Were fact checks made on what SNL's "Sarah Palin" said? I don't think so.

I find it sad that a supposed "impartial" news agency finds it necessary to try and put a positive spin on the actions of the president. We expect as much from FOX with the conservatives, and MSNBC with the liberals, but CNN is suppose - or at least I thought is was suppose - to be neutral ground. Guess I was wrong.

News shows should stick to the news and leave editorializing to others.

SNL is a comedy, let's enjoy it for what it is and not make it into something it is not.

Its Common Sense!

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