Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Change in Afghanistan

Two new generals are being sent to lead the USA's efforts in Afghanistan. President Obama has stated that this is a war that can not be lost. We have all heard that line in the past. Now we will have to see what happens.

History tells us that no foreign nation has ever been a long term conquerer in Afghanistan. I know the plan is to work with the Afghan government and NATO allies, but the question is, can this coalition defeat Al Qaeda and the Taliban?

In one way things are looking hopeful. The Pakistan government, out of fear and necessity has been forced to move against the Taliban invaders who took over the Swat Valley and were beginning to march towards Islamabad. Regardless of what you think of what is happening in that part of the world, none of us want the Taliban to have access to nuclear weapons.

Now we will have to watch and see if the new strategy will prove to be effective.

At the same time we need to help the Afghan economy, education and drive towards democracy. We need to bring the feuding warlords to a peace table and work out an effective and profitable deal for everyone. We have to make the country stable, then we can work on making it secure.

Its Common Sense!

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