Sunday, July 4, 2010

Washington DC - Stop Spending Now!!

I am sure the following letter I sent to my Senators is going to cause some anger, especially from the unemployed. I know they are hurting, have bills etc, but how much debt must the government go into? Seems to me the government should be pushing job creation by forcing banks to offer low interest loans to new businesses, especially those hiring from the ranks of the unemployed.
Secondly, let's clear out the illegals and force those employers to hire out of work Americans at legal salaries with benefits. Congress can make the changes, if they just get off their lazy butts.
Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator

I have been watching the news about extending unemployment benefits for the unemployed. Although I sympathize with their plight I have to ask, when does the national borrowing stop? Just how large a deficit can this country sustain? What happens when our creditors call in their notes?
This country is trillions of dollars in debt. If I ran my household in the same manner I would be on the street with nothing.
The time has come to stop borrowing. The government needs to learn how to survive with what it has, not what it wishes it had.
Fight unemployment by offering incentives to those creating new jobs. Help those starting businesses to get low interest loans from the banks - we the people bailed them out, it's about time the banks showed some appreciation by helping reverse the crisis they created.
Our current debt will not be paid in the life time of my great grand children. That is an unfair burden to put on any generation - much less the next five generations in this country.
As the government, you have to start spending responsibly, within the limits put on you by the revenue collected through our taxes. When the money is gone, then it's gone.
Our government's current practice of throwing money everywhere is turning our nation into a welfare state. People are becoming accustomed to the government taking care of them without them giving anything back.
The current budget deficits in the majority of our states shows that the people can no longer be dependent on the state to support them, they have to support the state.
Please stop the spending, fight for a balanced budget and do not allow our nation to continue in a downward spiral.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gulf Spill Telethon?

Last night on the news I saw families in Louisiana receiving food boxes from Feed the Children. That really hit home. Normally, when I think of relief agencies I picture them outside our shores, in places like Haiti or Thailand or Indonesia. But the sight of those boxes brought home a cold reality to me. The destruction along the Gulf Coast is going to be more devastating than the earthquake in Haiti or the tsunami in the Indian Ocean.
Both of those were natural disasters and man comes back from natural disasters. We morn and bury our dead, rebuild our towns and get on with our lives.
But in the Gulf rebuilding may never be possible. If the oil continues unabated the Gulf wetlands will be destroyed forever. There will be no more shrimp, crabs, fish or birds. A way of life will be over for thousands of people. And that's only one side of it. The illnesses and destruction that the oil contamination is causing cannot be measured. How many people will be ill for the rest of their lives due to the oil and all it brings with it?
This Gulf oil spill is the worst man made disaster this country has ever faced. Valdez was bad and its effects are still felt along the coastline of Alaska, but the Gulf Spill is so much worse it cannot be measured at this time.
Which leads me to a question one of my coworkers asked this morning - where is the relief telethon for the Gulf Coast?
After Katerina the TV networks and celebrities came out for New Orleans. After the earthquake in Haiti "We are the World" got a second life. But what about this man made disaster on the Gulf Coast that may never end? What are the networks and celebrities doing to draw attention to the plight of those Americans in danger of losing so much and never recovering?
I learned today that CNN and Larry King sponsored a telethon Monday night. Not knowing anything about it, I did not watch. Why didn't the other networks at least share the word, even if they didn't want to broadcast it?
BP does not believe the relief wells will be on line until August. What will happen during the month of July? How many tropical storms and hurricanes can hit the Gulf and knock BP totally off schedule?
The Gulf Spill is worse than any natural disaster we have seen in our life times, and it is time for we the people to force the government to take a strong line, insist that BP put out thousands of skimmer boats, get the governors of the states involved the money they need to save their wetlands and beaches.
Thus far the Federal Government has been slow to act and has actually hindered the plans of many of the local governments. We need to get the Obama Administration and the gang on the Hill involved NOW!!
As you know from my two previous postings I have been writing to the folks in DC. One voice isn't enough, all of us need to get involved.
If we don't get the government to act forcibly with this man made disaster, God knows what will happen with the next. (And mark my words, there will be a next.)
Write and be heard.
Its Common Sense!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Who's in charge in the Gulf?

After watching the news this evening and an commercial by BP that indicates it was their idea to pay out the $20 billion in relief, I felt I needed to get verbal and sent the following missive to the President. I doubt if it will do any good or if I will get a response but at least it allowed me to vent, and they haven't taken that right away yet.

The letter follows.

Dear President Obama,
When are you going to take charge in the Gulf? BP is looking out for BP they have no interest in the fate of thousands of Americans or the precious natural resources their greed is destroying. Watching the news tonight raises the questions - where are the skimmer boats, there should be thousands but the few seemingly available are spread out.
How effective are the booms? Why did it take so long for Louisiana to receive permission to send out the barges to protect the outer islands? What is being done to block the oil invasion of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida not to mention Louisiana? Please do not say everything is being done because if that is the case all is lost.
Your administration has to prevent our nation's Gulf States from losing their livelihoods, their history and their uniqueness, not to mention their natural resources and ecosystems. Lack of leadership will only lead to the USA becoming dependent on others for all matters of seafood, the destruction of an entire unique ecosystem, and once again showing the American people that the folks in D.C. are big on talk but slow on action. Its time to take the initiative away from BP and take control.
What immediate steps is your administration going to do to protect the Gulf? Thus far you have held back on the initiatives and plans of the governors and mayors of the area, what do you have to offer that they haven't?
I would greatly appreciate a response.
Thank you.
Michael Wolfe

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Protect USA from Off Shore Drilling

As the situation worsens in the Gulf and one judge - who just happens to have oil stocks and investments - said the government's six month ban on off shore drilling is unconstitutional, I thought it was time to write to the President and my Senators to make sure they were doing everything possible to insure that no further disasters of this kind occur.

My letter to the Senators follows. As always feel free to use all or part when contacting your representatives.
If we the people keep silent, the Washington gang will continue to do whatever the hell they want.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator

As the tragedy of the Gulf continues to worsen and with the possibility of hurricanes making this tragedy a probable epic catastrophe, I want to know what you and your colleagues in the Senate are doing to insure that nothing like this occurs in the future.
Specifically, even though there is currently a six month halt to off shore drilling, the reality is that between the influence of the oil companies, their lobbyist and people in power - be they judges, in Congress etc - the drilling will continue. Is Congress going to make it a mandatory law that all primary drilling platforms have two functioning relief platforms ready to take over in case of an emergency, such as the one the nation has been watching for the past several months? Is Congress taking the necessary steps to insure that our coastlines will never again be placed in the jeopardy facing the coastlines of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and possibly Texas?
Please provide the specific measures Congress is enacting to protect our country from greedy oil companies, who care only for profit, not people or environment. The actions and statements of the BP leadership have clearly shown that what is taking place is the Gulf is clearly an embarrassment and financial drain to them, but I have yet to get a sense that they really care about all of the damage - short term and long term - they caused. They just want it over so it can be business as usual.
Is Congress going to protect the citizens of the United States from that greedy/profit mentality? Or, does Congress plan on simply offering words of consolation while doing nothing concrete?
What is being done? How will the measures be enforced? Will the Department of the Interior and the Department of Justice be given the teeth to attack these corporate terrorists who are destroying our country? Look at the damage to the Gulf - this is an act of terrorism because the lack of responsibility on the part of BP is clearly an attack on our country, making it a terrorist act - going to be allowed to continue?
Looking forward to your response.

Michael Wolfe

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Senator Mikulski on Immigration Reform

Senator Mikulski responded to my letter on Immigration and illegal aliens. See if her response makes you feel like me that we will never see any real reform.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about immigration and the current debate about immigration reform. I appreciate hearing from you about this issue.

I absolutely agree with you that our nation's immigration system is broken and must be repaired. I believe that comprehensive immigration reform must protect our borders, protect American jobs and not penalize those who have played by the rules. It is important that we adopt a sensible approach to dealing with the illegal immigrants who are currently in the country.

As Congress continues to work on immigration reform, I will continue to work on finding sensible, bipartisan solutions to fix the immigration system. I appreciate hearing your views on immigration reform and want you to know that they will be useful to me as the Senate continues to debate this issue.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Immigration Reform/Illegal Aliens

With all of the debate regarding Arizona's "immigration" law and the president of Mexico voicing his objections - I understand he prefers his poor here and not there - I wrote the following suggestion to President Obama and my senators.
I am certain not everyone will be pleased with my proposal but I think it could help improve the situation.

Here's the letter, let me know what you think.

Dear President Obama

I read an article that you criticized Arizona's immigration law during a visit from Mexico's president. Imagine controversy over the Arizona law, which would make it a state crime to be in the country illegally.
My question is why isn't it the national policy that being in the country illegally is a crime?
The citizens of Arizona are seeing their state overrun by illegal workers and drug smugglers, they are seeing entire families being slaughtered along the border and the United States government has done nothing but talk. To listen to the folks in D.C. it is the illegals who are being mistreated, not American citizens.
The people of Arizona said "Enough" and took action. Maybe this is the wake up call the folks on Capital Hill need to take action.
I have the following suggestions for immigration reform.

1. Prosecute the employers of illegal aliens. I do not mean with a slap on the wrist or a petty fine. What I propose is that an employer of an illegal alien does a year of jail time for every illegal employed, as well as paying all back taxes- Federal, State, Local and Social Security/Medicare - that was stolen from the American public, as well as a ten thousand dollar fine per illegal. (If that was the law the CEO of Amour Meats would be facing life imprisonment rather than the little fine for having hundreds of illegals working in his meat packing plants.)
If there are no jobs for the illegals, then they will have no incentive to come here.

2. Amnesty. I am in favor of amnesty, if the following conditions are met. All illegals who register need to provide the name of their employer. Going on the assumption that the illegal has worked twenty years "under the table", unless proven otherwise, he needs to pay back taxes, Federal, State and Local, Social Security/Medicare, based on the salary he should have received at his profession, not on what his employer paid for "under the table". The employer needs to be penalized as explained above in number 1.

3. Work visas can be issued along our borders. Those applying for the visas, like anyone else caring a visa to come to the USA, can apply, be investigated and if they have no criminal record and have needed job skills, be allowed into the county for work purposes. Work visas should be distributed evenly to all nationalities using a quota system to insure that the USA does not show favoritism to any one nationality.

Make employers liable with stiff penalties and the illegals have no reason to come because they will not have work. If the illegal workers stop coming then our border patrol and law enforcement officials can concentrate on drug dealers and terrorists.
Congress needs to make our citizens accountable for their actions. Sadly, it is greedy employers who are responsible for the flood of illegal aliens into our country. Their greed is destroying our school systems, our health system and the status of life for legal Americans during a crisis when thousands are willing to work accepting whatever work is available.
Punish the guilty, let the Americans and legal aliens work, and allow the USA to return to its former strength when we welcomed legal immigrants who wanted to better themselves and their new county,.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Education, Jobs, Debt?

A few days ago the news came out about how many states are cutting back (firing) teachers because the states do not have the funds for education. Classroom size in many states will escalate from 25 kids to anywhere between 40-50 kids.

To listen to representatives in Congress, regardless of which party, they are still pushing the concept that the United States is the leader of the 'Free" World. However, the sad truth of the matter is that as education standards in this country continue to fall, we will be below the majority of so called Third World countries in the area of education, not to mention manufacturing, farming etc. Our country is on a down hill slide, and our current leadership is only making it worse.

Look at education. Most of the people I know from foreign countries can not understand how a school system passes forward children who can not read or write. In their countries, if you do not meet the standard, you fail and are held back. It used to be that way here, but somehow some do gooders sold the concept that it hurt the child's self image if they failed. Don't they think it hurts their self image if they can not read and write like the kids around them?

Education in this country needs to go back to the good old days when giving the child a quality education was the goal, not worrying about their feelings.

How to do it? That is the real question, especially in this time of tight to non-existent budgets. What can government do?

The way I see it there are three options.
1. Take the money used for the bank and car bailouts that has been repaid and re-infest that money in education.
2. The government can take that same money, re-invest it in job creation and then once the work force is re-established, use their tax dollars to fund education.
3. Finally since the bail out money was borrowed from China, we pay back the loan, cut down the national debt, let a few years pass until the economy is back on a positive track and then start dealing with crisis's like education and jobs.

Sadly, there are no easy answers. Its a matter of priorities. Let your representatives know what your priorities are and push your agenda. After all, our future is tied up in all of this.

Its Common Sense!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Senator Barbara Mikulski - What Health Care Reform Means to You!

I just received the following new blurb from Senator Mikulski. I guess I write enough to be on her mailing list.

Read through and see if you agree that this is what Health Care Reform Means to you.

What Health Care Reform Means for You

Passage of health care reform is a very big deal. It's the first time in history that we have committed to ending the abuses of the insurance industry and covering every single American.

I voted for health care reform because I listened to Marylanders as they told me their stories. People told me about the situation of their lives at roundtables and hearings, at diners and grocery stores. Thousands more wrote to me and called. They shared with me their fear of one big health care incident leading them into bankruptcy.

I heard from people like Karen from Kensington, whose father had to quit his job because he suffered from Crohn's Disease. When he was two pennies short on his insurance payment, he lost his coverage. During the six months it took to reinstate his insurance, his health deteriorated. He died a year after his insurance was cancelled. He was just 59 years old when he passed away.

I thought of people like Karen and her father when I was fighting to pass this bill.

This legislation provides long-term health security for all Americans. It saves and strengthens Medicare, extending its life by nearly a decade. It also helps seniors afford their prescription drugs. It establishes a small business health care tax credit to help small businesses cover their workers. It allows young people to stay on their parents' policies until age 26. And it cuts the hassle factor, allowing doctors to spend time with patients instead of paperwork.

This bill also ends the punitive practices of insurance companies by making sure that no American will ever be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

This is a very big deal for women. I am particularly proud of the role that I have played in changing the way that insurance companies treat women. For far too long, they have treated simply being a woman as a pre-existing condition. They used every trick in the book to deny women coverage. In seven states and the District of Columbia, being a victim of domestic violence was considered a pre-existing condition. Women were denied coverage because a medically-mandated c-section was considered a pre-existing condition.

That's why when they tried to take our mammograms away, I said, "No!" I introduced an amendment that guarantees women who enroll in new health care plans coverage of preventive care such as mammograms, pap tests and heart disease screenings with no co-pays or deductibles.

These changes are a monumental step in improving the lives and health of people across the state of Maryland and across the United States. This bill is a leap into the future, and it is a leap we can take with confidence. My job as a U.S. Senator is to provide opportunity for the American people, and health care is one of the greatest opportunities we can provide.

Useful Links

Video of Senator Mikulski on Passage of Health Reform

Timeline of Reform

Health Care Reform and Maryland

Summary of Health Care Reform Bill

How Will Reform Help You? Take the Quiz

Information from the White House

Information on Implimentation from HHS

Fast Facts

How does reform help people now?

* Gives seniors who hit the donut hole a $250 rebate

* Provides health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions who used to have insurance

* Stops insurers from denying coverage to children because they have a pre-existing condition

* Stops insurers from dropping coverage when you get sick

* Prohibits lifetime caps on coverage in new insurance plans

* Allows young people to stay on their parents' insurance until age 26

* Gives small businesses tax credits to help them cover employees

How does reform help Marylanders?

* Reform could save Maryland $1 Billion over the next 10 years

* Preventive services with no co-pays for 740,000 Maryland seniors

* Help for 132,000 Maryland seniors when they hit drug coverage gap

* New consumer protections will benefit 5.6 million Marylanders

* New tax credits to help 56,000 small businesses cover their employees

* New help to make health care insurance affordable for 465,000 Marylanders

Monday, April 5, 2010

Afghanistan Drama

Things keep happening in Afghanistan to keep the confusion/chaos alive. Obama sneaks in to visit with the troops and then tell Karzai he's got to get his act together and show some progress if he wants to continue to receive aide. Of course, since Obama has increased the USA's military commitment, the USA isn't getting out anytime soon, which means the aide will continue.

Evidently Karzai's feelings got hurt and the rumor is he has threatened to go over the the Taliban if the outsiders don't stop pressuring him. How long do you think he would last if he went over to the Taliban?

Both presidents need to stop trying to out stage the other and get to the serious business of bringing a workable peace to Afghanistan making all of the compromises necessary to end the killing. Too many lives have been wasted. Now is the time for true leadership, not stagemanship.

Its Common Sense!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Health Care - What Next?

Well much to my surprise, Congress passed the Health Care Bill, twice. First with the Senate Democrat behind closed door deals and the second time, hopefully, with less of the backroom deals.

Now President Obama is out selling the legislation - something he should have been doing right from the start. Maybe if he and the Democrats had been clear and precise during the town hall meetings about the context of the bill there would be a lot less tension.

Of course the Republicans want to repeal/reform the bill. Why they did not work on the reform while the bill was in committee is beyond me. Well maybe not. After all, elections are on the horizon and its better to be a stronger opponent of the other party, rather than seen as a compromiser working for the good of the people.

Today Sarah Palin and the Tea Party descend on Searchlight Nevada to harass the home community of Senator Harry Reid. These people did nothing wrong and should not be punished by an invasion.

Now we can sit back and watch as the campaign rhetoric increases and the TV pundits tell us who is right and wrong.

We will also see how the immediate action parts of the Health Care Bill take effect and if they are everything that is promised.

As I have said in the past - they are all wrong. We need term limits and we definitely need to get rid of the incumbents and start at square one.

Pay careful attention to what is doing on and get ready to vote in November.

Its Common Sense!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Congressional Accountability and Responsibility

Watching the news during the past week I have to wonder if the following three words can be used together positively in a sentence - Congress, Accountability and Responsibility.

The other day we learned that for the first time Social Security brought in less than was needed to pay monthly benefit checks. Which means the government is going to have to borrow money, because Congress left a bunch of IOUs and raided the Social Security Trust Fund. Where is the responsibility and accountability in that action? Through their greed and stupidity Congress, rather than leaving the Fund alone to gain interest, blew the money on whatever half assed thing got their attention and now they will increase an already out of control debt even higher.

Health Care Reform. People need health care and there has to be a way to do it that will please the majority. Does Congress sit down and try and do what is best for the American people? Of course not. Better split based on party lines and say the hell with the people. My way right or wrong. Compromise is not an option.

Watching some of these pompous baboons on TV infuriates me and makes me marvel that some of these clowns just keep coming back.

Since it is obvious that our government does not want to be accountable or responsible, I think its time we the people take over. God knows we can't do any worse.

During the next weeks I intend to make a proposal to my senators for a bill to limit campaign funding so that not only the rich will be able to run for office in this country. Its time that those of us in the trenches had a chance on Capital Hill to bring back a sense of reality.

Obama made a lot of promises about changing the system and having an open government, but as he pointed out to John McCain during the Health Care Fiasco, that was a campaign promise and no one is campaigning anymore. How's that for a taste of reality?

Anyway, we all need to start thinking of ways to get the common man to DC. Best way to start - vote the incumbents out.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Senator Mikulski on the 28th Amendment

Senator Mikulski's staff must want some time away from health care reform because they already responded to my my question regarding a proposed 28th amendment.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about amending the United States Constitution. It's good to hear from you.

I agree with you that Congress is here to represent the people. I believe Members of Congress have a sacred duty to represent those who have elected them with honor and integrity. We should be held to a high standard, and we must be accountable for our actions. The laws that we make apply to everyone in this country, and Members of Congress are expected to follow them or face consequences just like the public we serve.

Again, thank you for getting in touch. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance to you in the future.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

Saturday, February 27, 2010

28th Amendment

Someone sent me a copy of a proposed 28th amendment to the Constitution. I liked it, so I sent the following letter to my Senators asking their opinion. If you like the proposed amendment, send it to your representatives and get their opinion.

Dear Senator

Please provide your opinion on the following proposed amendment to the Constitution.

Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States ".

Thank you in advance for your response.
Michael Wolfe

Friday, February 26, 2010

Health Care Summit

Like many others I watched some of yesterday's health care summit and I came away saddened and disgusted with our so called representatives in Washington. What a bunch of egocentric bores. Rather than try and start compromising on concrete issues like pre-existing conditions, lower premium rates, tort reform etc, most of the time was spent sniping at one another.

Obama made it clear that he was in charge, but he did not come across as a leader. The majority of the Republicans came across as whiners wanting things their way.

I knew the summit would fail, but there was a part of me that prayed and hoped that maybe this was the time these politicians would put their selfish interests aside and actually try and do something for the good of the country. Of course, since they're politicians it was wishful thinking on my part to think they would attempt to do the actual job they were elected to perform.

From what I saw yesterday it appears that Health Care Reform is a dead issue. The Republicans made it clear they were not going to compromise. Pelosi for the Democrats has never wanted to compromise, so while the DC gang sits on their high horses pontificating why they're right and the other side is wrong, the American people suffer.

In truth, I do not understand what is so difficult. Both sides say the system needs fixing. Then sit down and write down all of the things that are wrong with the system. Next, on an issue by issue basis,list ways that solve that particular issue. Now comes the time for compromise, with a list of solutions there should be some middle ground all can agree on. It does not have to be my way or the highway.

Yesterday's summit only reinforces my belief that term limits need to be mandatory. The people in Congress really think they are far more important than they are. They were elected to be public SERVANTS not little kings and queens. The smirks on their faces, the sarcasm of many of the comments just made me sick.

In November, let's vote as many of them out as possible and start with some fresh blood interested in the well being of America and not themselves.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Senator Mikulski on Afghanistan & Pakistan

I just received a response from Senator Mikulski on the wars in Afghanistan & Pakistan. What's frightening is we appear to agree on several points.

See how you feel about her responses.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for getting in touch with me about our involvement in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This is one of the most important issues facing our nation and I appreciate hearing your views.

On March 27, 2009 President Obama announced a new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan. At its core was a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and eventually defeat al Qaeda and to prevent their return to either Afghanistan or Pakistan. On December 1, 2009 President Obama announced an increase of 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan.

I have no reservations about our troops -- their courage or competence. They will accomplish whatever mission we give them with honor. But I do have grave reservations about sending additional troops to Afghanistan. Our troops are worn out and we are out of money.

There are no simple answers, and no silver bullets for Afghanistan. President Obama rightfully went through a deliberative and thoughtful process to arrive at this strategy. Now Congress needs to ask hard questions to better understand this plan and hold the Administration accountable for progress.

My three key principles going forward are: First, the U.S. commitment cannot be open ended. Second, Afghanistan needs a functional and sustainable government. Third, the Afghans must take the lead in this war.

I continue to have serious concerns about the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and question whether their leaders share the commitment of U.S. forces to combat extremism. I am concerned that Afghanistan seems threatened not only by the Taliban, but by a government that's riddled with cronyism and corruption. The corruption is aiding the booming narcotics trade in Afghanistan and lining the Taliban's pockets. I fear Afghanistan is on its way to becoming a narco-state.

I am also concerned about the safety, treatment, and security of Afghanistan's women. That's why I joined my Senate colleagues to introduce a resolution calling on Afghanistan's leaders to repudiate a law they passed that includes provisions legalizing marital rape and imposing Taliban-era restrictions on Shiite women in Afghanistan. The Shiite Personal Status Law violates the basic human rights of women. American soldiers fight every day to help Afghans create a stable and free nation that can protect and provide for its people. This law is an affront to the sacrifices they make every day. The United States should do everything it can to encourage Afghanistan to respect the basic rights and welfare of women and children.

I also supported the Fiscal Year 2009 Supplemental funding bill because it provides the necessary funding to meet the needs of our troops on the ground and to continue our assistance programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan. I fully support our troops and will not abandon them while they are on the battlefield or when they come home needing healthcare.

Again, thanks for contacting me. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me again.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

Monday, February 22, 2010

Partisan Politics

The past days I have watched the politicians in Washington DC state that they know what the American people want. If you are a Democrat you state the people want Health Care Reform. If you are a Republican you state that the people want a gradual change.

Who are the American people they are talking to? I know no one has asked my opinion.

Frankly I am tired of the gridlock and the blame game. When will these folks get around to compromising. They all seem to have sticks shoved so far up their butts that they are incapable of bending.

This coming Thursday the President has invited both parties to a televised sit down to discuss Health Care Reform. In truth I expect nothing to come out of it, but it will be interesting to see what tactics are taken so that none of them look bad or insensitive. Health Care Reform is long way away, but lying, whining politicians will always be with us.

I see that the Senate did pass a bill to help jobs but that a majority of Republicans complained that the bill did not cut enough taxes. I don't like paying taxes anymore than the next person, but just how are we going to pay off the national debt, balance the budget and leave a future for our kids if we all don't pitch in? The money to run the country has to come from somewhere and red money from China needs to end.

Once again I want to reiterate a chant I make from time to time - Vote all Incumbents OUT!!!

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Senator Mikulski on Medicare & Health Care Reform

I just received the following reply from Senator Barbara Mikulski on Medicare and Health Care Reform.

After you read her response, let me know if this is really long term thinking or are the politicians just trying to postpone the inevitable?

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for getting in touch with me about Medicare and health care reform. It's great to hear from you.

I want Medicare to remain strong for seniors - now and in the future. If we do nothing, the Medicare Hospital Trust fund will go broke in 2017. The Senate bill extends the life of Medicare by an additional 9 years by enacting rational reforms to modernize and improve the program. Changes also will preserve choice and quality of care, lower costs, and add new benefits. Changes in the Senate bill include:

-providing financial incentives to health providers to reduce preventable hospital readmissions

-providing no-cost preventive benefits so that seniors stay healthy through easy access to preventive services

-reducing overpayments to private Medicare insurers and replacing them with payment bonuses tied to quality and care coordination

I believe we can ensure the solvency of Medicare without creating a financial burden for seniors or providers. Know that I will continue to fight so that our seniors can have access to quality, affordable health care.

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a step forward in achieving my four principles of health care reform:

-saving and strengthening Medicare

-ending punitive insurance company practices that deny coverage based on pre-existing health conditions, age and gender

-providing universal access to health care

-emphasizing quality, prevention and integrative health to save lives and save money

Our bill makes also makes it easier for retired workers between 55 and 65 years of age who are not yet eligible for Medicare. It creates a temporary reinsurance program to provide reimbursement to employers who provide health benefits to retirees and their dependents. By enacting insurance reforms that prohibit discrimination based on age or pre-existing health conditions, the bill also makes it easier for early retirees to purchase affordable care. I am committed to making sure the health care needs of retirees are protected.

Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Olympics, Religion, World Peace

Like many people I started watching the coverage of the 2010 Winter Olympics this past Friday. I thought it interesting that the only reason Iran participated in the march of nations was because Ireland separated them from Israel.

This got me to thinking. The whole concept of the Olympics is to bring the nations of the world together for friendly sport competition, with the hope of avoiding actual physical confrontations on battlefields.

The same is true of the major religions of the world. All of them preach the importance of peace and harmony. Yet most of the wars that have been fought have called upon a god to lead them to victory against an enemy who is usually either a pagan or infidel.

It is a sad commentary that over the thousands of years of recorded history, of the years technological advances, that man has still not evolved beyond the greedy little child he has always been who wants things his way now.

If the spirit of the Olympics could last more than two weeks maybe there could be hope. However, this morning there is a report that NATO troops in southern Afghanistan killed 12 civilians in a rocket attack that went wrong. Hard to call for peace and harmony when innocent people are killed by accident.

Too bad the world couldn't solve its differences on the playing fields of the Olympics.

Finally, just a reminder to offer a silent prayer for Nodar Kumaritashvili of the Republic of Georgia and his family, in addition to those who lost their lives in world wide fighting this past week.

Maybe if we can use our prayers to God for the common good rather than our selfish designs, the world could truly become a better place.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tele Prompter verse Crib Notes

Which is worse, using a tele-prompter to read your speech, or having crib notes on your hand so that you can remember your talking points? Who cares?

Anyone who has spoken in public knows that to stay on point its good to have some notes available.Others need their written speech available to ensure they do not stray into unsafe territory. Ministers do it all the time. Our elected officials do it all the time. Aren't we glad Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address rather than recite it off the cuff?

I really do not understand all the attention the media is giving to words on Sarah Palin's hand and the fact that Obama, like most presidents before him, use a tele-prompter.

How they present their message is irrelevant. What is relevant is that they present a clear, concise message and that they then go ahead and keep their word. That seems to be the problem to me in this case. Both Obama and Palin have made promises they have not delivered on. Their lack of credibility is not in how they present their message, but rather the fact that they do not follow up on the message.

Let's forget about presentation and concentrate on performance. Has Obama kept his promises? Has Palin offered any practical alternatives? That is what needs to be judged.

Its Common Sense!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Snow Storm 2010 - Why Can't the Political Parties Work Together?

The past two days I have spent many hours shoveling out both my house and car. According to a neighbor we got 31 inches of the white stuff here in Reisterstown and I believe him.

I live in a townhouse community, so a next door neighbor is really next door. During these two days we worked together and cleared the sidewalks, freed our cars, and because we do not see a county snow plow we got our street passable.

Now with an aching body, sitting back and reflecting on what was accomplished, I wonder why the gang on Capital Hill cannot do the same thing. Me and my neighbors do not agree on everything, we have our disputes and differences, but when things are bad, differences are put aside and the good of the community comes first.

Why aren't they doing that in D.C.? Frankly, I am tired of the name calling, the blaming and the attacks. Sarah Palin was able to level a lot of criticism at the President while at the Tea Party Convention, but I did not not see her offer any practical solutions to unemployment, health care or anything else.

Finally the President has asked the Republicans to present their Health Care plan - why he did not do that a year ago is beyond me.

Washington needs to get beyond egos and get to the business of cleaning the blizzard in the community and getting everyone moving in the right direction again.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, February 5, 2010


During his State of the Union Address, President Obama spoke on the unemployment situation and the need to create new jobs. He talked of tax credits for new companies and for companies that move back into the USA.

Many jobs have been lost in this country over the years due to the greed of the owners and the employees/unions. No one ever seemed to be satisfied, both sides always wanted more and rather than compromise, owners either sold out to multi-national corporations or moved their business to a country where they could make $200.00 shoes for .50 a pair. Nothing like a nice profit margin.

Hopefully, those businesses that want to be part of a new economic growth in the country, along with their employees/unions will cooperate from the beginning, making compromises to insure employees are fairly paid and have decent benefits but keep the cost line balanced to keep jobs in this country so that we can once again be selling to the world.

Along with that I am concerned about where the Department of Labor is getting its figures on the number of unemployed in the USA. Today I saw that unemployment dropped to 9.7%. My question is, is this figure based on those who applied for benefits this month, or does this figure show the actual numbers unemployed. My fear is that hundreds of thousands have run out of benefits, given up on employment and are surviving either on Welfare or under the table. If they are not included in the unemployed statistic, then the statistic is worthless.

The government needs to get the actual figure of unemployed so that they can come up with a plan that will truly stimulate the growth of business and jobs in this country.

Its Common Sense!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Haiti: The other side of helping

Several stories appeared the last couple of days pointing out some of the problems that will be plaguing Haiti and well wishers from around the world as an attempt in made to get handle on the situation after the earthquakes.

Ten members of two Baptist congregations from Idaho were spotted at the Haiti - Dominican Republic border as they attempted to cross with thirty-three "orphans". Evidently they had no paperwork on the children and were naive enough to think they could bluff their way through.

Why they are taking Haitian children to establish an orphanage in the Dominican Republic is beyond me. Why not assist and enlarge the orphanage in Haiti where the children were residing? Until the story is further investigated I will give them the benefit of the doubt and not accuse them of being child traffickers.

However, UNICEF and other international agencies dedicated to child welfare are going to need to get their act together and take all necessary measures to protect the children in Haiti. During the current chaos, any number of things can happen to these children. Well meaning gestures are nice, but they are counterproductive if they in anyway imply the children involved are going to be abused in anyway.

Another story is that the US military stopped flying patients in critical condition from Haiti to Florida. Florida's governor announced that his state cannot endure the burden of paying for the expensive treatment of these patients. The White House did not jump up and say the Federal Government will assume the costs, but rather stated other solutions are being sought.

Why not use some or all of the money raised by the Hollywood Star telethon to pay for the treatment. Put the money to immediate, positive use saving lives.

Finally, last night NBC News showed a story of a doctor from a non-profit medical group going to the airport to pick up medical supplies and being told by the Haitian official responsible for distribution that the doctor needed to pay a tax for the supplies.

Thankfully, due no doubt to the presence of a television camera, the official changed his mind and the supplies were released.

The question is how long before this kind of corruption becomes the norm and aide to the suffering is controlled by bribes?

Hopefully members of the UN will be watchdogs in this area and insure that all aide donated freely from all parts of the world, is distributed freely to all of the Haitians in need.

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Senator Mikulski on Health Care Reform

It appears that my senators are responding in the same time frame. Below is the letter I received from Senator Barbara Mikulski, the other illustrious senator from the state of Maryland.

She, like Ben Cardin, really tries to avoid the issues and making any sense.

See for yourself.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for getting in touch with me about Medicare fraud and health care reform. It's great to hear from you.

Health care is one of the most important issues facing families and our economy. We absolutely need to pass comprehensive health reform that:

-reduces costs for families, business and government

-protects people's choice of doctors, hospitals and health plans

-assures affordable, quality health care for all Americans

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) represents the combined efforts of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the Senate Committee on Finance. This bill takes a giant step forward in providing health care that is available, undeniable and affordable for all Americans.

There are many issues being discussed as part of health care reform. I will keep your views in mind as we continue our work on this important issue.

Thanks once again for writing. Please let me know if I can be of assistance in the future.

Barbara A. Mikulski
United States Senator

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Friday, January 22, 2010

Senator Ben Cardin on Health Care Reform

Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland, one of my state's US Senators sent the following response to my concerns about Health Care Reform and especially fraud in the Medicare Program. Please note how he avoided any mention of the word fraud.

Maybe if you are a fraud you can't recognize it in others.

Here's the letter, I found it disappointing, uninformative and very pro-party.
See what you think.

Dear Mr. Wolfe:

Thank you for contacting me about Medicare and health reform. The Medicare program has dramatically improved the lives of millions of American seniors and persons with disabilities since its creation in 1965. I am committed to protecting and strengthening this critical program.

Reforming our health care system will strengthen Medicare. The Senate health reform bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, would protect Medicare's guaranteed benefits, ensure that Medicare savings are used to improve the program, and extend Medicare solvency. It would also reduce costs and strengthen benefits for seniors by drastically reducing the "donut hole" in prescription drug coverage, and eliminating cost-sharing for preventive services. Furthermore, the bill includes measures that would ensure that seniors living in rural areas have access to inpatient, outpatient, ambulance and lab services, and would create a competitive bidding process for Medicare Advantage plans to reduce overpayments, which the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates total $150 billion over 10 years.

On December 24, 2009, the Senate passed H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The House of Representatives passed its bill, H.R. 3962, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, on November 20, 2009. House and Senate members are now working to resolve the differences between the two bills before a final package is sent to the President for his signature.

Again, thank you for letting me know your views on this important issue. Please be assured that I will continue to work in a bipartisan manner for solutions that will protect Medicare, bring down the cost of health care in this country, and expand access to quality care for all Americans.

Please visit my website at to sign up for my e-newsletter.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

US Senate wants to Raise Debt Ceiling

One day after the US Senate lost a Democrat and gained a Republican, they started a debate on the value of raising the national debt ceiling by another $1.7 trillion.

Are they out of their minds? The stimulus is not working. The only institutions making money are banks who screwed up, took bailouts and are now paying out super large bonuses.

The US taxpayer has lost out at every end and now the Senate wants to increase our debt even more.

I think the Senate needs to sit down and look at reality. With unemployment the highest in our nation's history, it is going to be a long time before adequate tax dollars start coming in to begin paying off the debt.

Rather than talk about raising the debt, let's start talking about recovering what has been lost through fraud. First Medicare - $60 some million a year, let's get that money back, punish the criminals with real sentences, as well as paying back double what they stole, not a slap on the wrist.

Illegal aliens - if they are working let's get their tax dollars and then they can apply for a visa or get sent home. Let's go after those companies and individuals who hire illegals, make them pay back all back taxes - including Social Security and Medicare - and then fine them equal to the back taxes they owe.

Rather than take the easy way out, let's take the right way out - make those who owe or steal from us pay back everything double.

Its Common Sense!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti in Crisis

We have all been watching the tragedy presently occurring in Haiti. It appears that the relief is starting to get through, but there is much to be done and we need to pray that the relief agencies and the governments providing aide put the Haitians ahead of national squabbles and politics.

The majority of us will make donations to relief organizations, I just recommend that you choose carefully and make sure it is a reputable organization.

In a crisis like this, the world usually pulls together, as they did for the victims of the terrible tsunami in Asia a few years ago.

President Obama has promised aid and our planes and goods are in Port a Prince. Obama also asked Bill Clinton and George W Bush to spear head the United States aid effort and both former presidents graciously agreed.

What I do not understand is why critics of Obama need to use this kind of situation to attack the President. It is probably evident from my blog that in many ways President Obama has disappointed me, but I do believe that the man is sincere and not just a cold blooded politician. Unfortunately the Rush Limbaughs of the world will use any excuse to go on the attack. His comments concerning the situation in Haiti makes you wonder if his life is simply about ratings and staying controversial and forgetting all about people.

Anyway, we need to watch how things progress in Haiti and both that order and relief are provided quicker than after Katerina.

Keep the victims, the relief workers, and all of the families in your prayers.

Sometimes, the best we can do is put everything in God's hands and pray for the best.

Its Common Sense!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Medicare Fraud

Last night NBC news reported that Medicare Fraud now comes in at around $600 billion a year. They did not say how much, if any, of that money is ever recovered. $600 billion a year would go a long way towards paying for universal health care without my taxes needing to be raised.

I sent the following letter to my senators, once again imploring that they get a handle on Medicare and then worry about a health care bill.

As always use all or any part in contacting your own representatives.

Dear Senator
Last night NBC News reported that the US goverment (tax payer dollars) pays out $600 billion in Medicare fraud cases every year.
As I have written in the past, the government has to take control of Medicare, close all the loopholes and stop fraud. Once the fraud stops, then the government will have the money they need for universal health care.
Take charge of Medicare, prosecute violators to the extreme, and save our $600 billion a year. Take charge of the money that is being stolen, rather than ask tax payers to provide more.
Congress needs to take control, show leadership, and agressive copmmitment to righting a serious wrong.
Give law enforcement teeth to go after those who defraud the system so that all $600 billion is recovered.

Friday, January 8, 2010

How do we Gather Intelligence? Where is Human Intelligence?

Yesterday I watched the President use Harry Truman's line "the buck spots here" to place the blame on himself rather than any individual or agency relating to the failure to pick up on Christmas Day's attempted terrorist attack.

The President stated that the intelligence agencies were going to get their priorities in order and make sure information was shared and all the dots got connected as soon as possible. His Deputy Director of National Security is going to report back in a month as to the progress made.

I thought inter-agency cooperation among the intelligence agencies had been mandated during the Bush years. President Bush established the post of Intelligence Czar and Dennis Blair currently holds the post.

I was puzzled by the problem of sharing intelligence in a central base and looked for some information. See the attached link.

This is the list of the major intelligence gathering agencies in the United States. I thought we were talking about CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, and DHS. I did not realize how many other players are part of the alphabet soup.

When one sees the list then one sees the problem. Competition. Everyone wants to be the fair hair boy and receive the accolades. In the same way, with so many participants, it is easy to spread the blame around so that no one person or agency takes a heavy hit.

With all of the tax dollars being spent on security, you would think Dennis Blair would have a super Cray computer under his command that could take all the information and spit out the answers in minutes. Maybe he does. After all, a computer is only as good or as bad as the humans who supply the information.

Right now the focus is once again on airport security, super scanners, more dogs, air marshalls, getting TSA employees who are attentive and not bored with their jobs.
(I am going to do some research and find out what the average salary and shift is for a TSA inspector.)

What we need is more human intelligence assets in the hot beds around the world. I know that things went bad for the CIA in Afghanistan with the operative they thought they recruited, but the bottom line is good old fashion human spies provide the best intelligence. Electronics are good for assistance, but it is the nameless human assets recruited in the areas of unrest who provide the best and most accurate information.

Budgeting needs to be done for the recruitment of these assets and maybe then a true gain can be made on the war on terror.

Its Common Sense!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Health Care Reform Deals

I sent the following letter to my senators to get some clarification on the deals made with Ben Nelson and others to get them to vote for the Senate Health Care Bill.

As always feel free to us all or any of the letter in contacting your own representatives.

A little truth will go a long way.

Its Common Sense!

Dear Senator

In your defense of the Health Care Bill you promised that it would be good for all Americans, get just about everyone insured, lower health care premiums and within ten years help lower the deficit.

Sounds good. But then I hear about the deals. Like that Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska only agreed to vote in favor of the bill if the Federal Government would pick up the bill for Nebraska's Medicaid for the rest of my life time.
Special deals for Louisiana, Massachusetts and maybe a couple of other states.

Did the citizens Maryland get a deal, or are we expected to pay so the Democrats can present a false united front? How will these deals save me money? Will premiums really go down? Finally, what taxes will be raised to pay for all of this?
Its time for some honesty. What is the truth about the Health Care Bill? Will it perform as promised or is it all smoke and mirrors?

From the recent news that some of your fellow Democrats will not be running for another term, it is evident that the frustration of the public is finally getting through.

If the Democrats want to keep Congress and the White House, then its time to come clean and give the people the truth.

How bad are things?
What has to be done to save our country?
How much is it going to cost?
Where is the money going to come from?

Candidate Obama and the Democrats promised many things. For the first time since I began voting in 1972 I voted for the Democrat instead of the independent. He promised to close Gitmo - that's on hold, he promised to get us out of Iraq - we're still there and we increased our presence in Afghanistan, he promised a Health Care Reform that would insure at least 95% of all Americans - does not look like that's going to happen.

The President and his Democratic Congress have not delivered.
Why not?

Share the truth and explain what went wrong.

Thank you.
Michael Wolfe

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Seven Days of the Condor

Since Christmas we have heard the story of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian who was able to outsmart air security in Nigeria and the Netherlands, board a Detroit bound flight with explosives and almost succeeded in bringing down the plane.

Now there are investigations, talk of full body scanners, police with machine-guns and dogs roaming the airports. Apparently once again the international security forces were out smarted.

Which got me to thinking. Many years ago I read a book titled "Seven Days of the Condor", (the film version with Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway was "Three Days of the Condor"). Its about intrigue and a falling out within the CIA. I won't go into detail, read the book or see the movie. The interesting thing is that protagonist works for the CIA as a reader. He and a small staff read books to see if any CIA operations have been compromised, as well as to gain information that could be useful for future operations.

I think Homeland Security needs to create this kind of department. They can read literature looking for anyway a threat could be brought against the USA, as well as use their imaginations to create scenarios of possible threats.

Thus far all of our actions have been after the fact. I think its time we go on the offensive and anticipate the next and beat the terrorists at their game.

Its Common Sense!