Monday, February 22, 2010

Partisan Politics

The past days I have watched the politicians in Washington DC state that they know what the American people want. If you are a Democrat you state the people want Health Care Reform. If you are a Republican you state that the people want a gradual change.

Who are the American people they are talking to? I know no one has asked my opinion.

Frankly I am tired of the gridlock and the blame game. When will these folks get around to compromising. They all seem to have sticks shoved so far up their butts that they are incapable of bending.

This coming Thursday the President has invited both parties to a televised sit down to discuss Health Care Reform. In truth I expect nothing to come out of it, but it will be interesting to see what tactics are taken so that none of them look bad or insensitive. Health Care Reform is long way away, but lying, whining politicians will always be with us.

I see that the Senate did pass a bill to help jobs but that a majority of Republicans complained that the bill did not cut enough taxes. I don't like paying taxes anymore than the next person, but just how are we going to pay off the national debt, balance the budget and leave a future for our kids if we all don't pitch in? The money to run the country has to come from somewhere and red money from China needs to end.

Once again I want to reiterate a chant I make from time to time - Vote all Incumbents OUT!!!

Its Common Sense!

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