Sunday, July 19, 2009

Obama Health Plan Saga

President Obama spoke out forcefully yesterday stating that his health plan will be passed this year. This was after not only Republican critics, but now some Democratic critics have come forward to state that the plan will not save money, but will actually create a larger debt.

Here is the President's plan.

Now here is the bill Congress just passed.

Now I know there is a lot to read and that the majority of you are going to give up before getting to the end. I know I did. Which is the important thing. There is too much to digest. Just from the little I read I am confused.

If you take the government program, does that mean as a senior you are no longer entitled to Medicare?

Are all states going to be forced to accept the directives of the bill, (if it passes the Senate & receives the President's signature) or are their options available?

Will private insurers, such as Care First, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Aetna etc, be limited on how they can raise their premiums, or will they be able to force some of their clients into the government program and only keep their high paying clients?

Most importantly, who is going to pay for this health care act? Will the cost be equally distributed, or will the burden once again fall on the middle class tax payer?

As I look at this bill and the rush to pass it, I feel we are charging into a nightmare that will be mismanaged, and spiral into an out of control money pit.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm just a pessimist who has no faith in government run programs being cost efficient and help full.

Send your opinions. Show me the silver lining around the cloud.

If you also don't see one, then write your representatives and let your voices be heard. We cannot allow our taxes and debt to continue to rise to support useless programs.

Its Common Sense!

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