Thursday, July 16, 2009

Obama's Health Care Reform

We have all been hearing that President Obama wants to have a health care reform bill passed before the end of August. Sounds good. However, what are the specifics?

I do not understand how giving everyone health care will bring down the cost? I definitely do not understand how having another Federal Government Health Care Provider will do anything but add to the national debt.

Currently the Federal Government is responsible for the Medicare Health Care Program, and oversees the states Medicaid Health Care Programs. No big surprise to find that they are mismanaged, victims of all kind of fraud and over billing schemes, and that there does not appear to be a plan in place to bring order to the system.

If the government cannot manage the health care programs for the elderly and the poor, is there any way they can provide an agency that can realistically compete with health care insurers already in place?

Why aren't the President and Congress first fixing Medicare & Medicaid? Take control of the wasted millions in those programs, put together an efficient organization that actually brings down costs, bargains with providers and allows patients premiums to remain the same or even decrease, and then consider a National Health Insurance program.

With the current lose of jobs, the deficit and debt, we can not afford to have more wasteful out of control spending. The President and Congress need to prove that they can put what they actually have to good use, then come to the people with a realistic plan.

I know there are many with out health care. I also know that the majority still get treated in emergency rooms and clinics across the country and that my tax dollars and my increasing health care premiums go to pay the difference, because my costs at the doctors and hospital keep increasing to offset what is lost from those who do not pay.

I do not expect that to change in the near future.

What I do hope changes is the government's attitude. Let's fix things using what we have. If Medicare & Medicaid are managed competently, responsibly, with accountability, millions of dollars will become available for a national program.

Let's fix the current problem, rather than leave it broken and start another agency that will only add chaos to the situation, rather than order.

Its Common Sense!!

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